Valia College
There is a premium on both quantity (increased access) and quality (relevance and excellence of academic programmes offered) of higher education.
Why NAAC ? NAAC accreditation is a move to assess and thereafter ensure the quality of education offered in institutions of higher education in the country. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has framed a regulation making it mandatory for all universities and colleges to be certified by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
The NAAC has been set up to help all participating institutions assess their performance vis-a-vis set parameters. A rating agency for academic excellence across India, and the country’s first such effort.
How does accreditation help me ? Gives institutions a new sense of direction and identity. Provides society with reliable information on quality of education offered. Employers have access to information on the quality of education offered to potential recruiters. Promotes intra and inter-institutional interactions.
Helps the institution to know its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities through an informed review process. To identify internal areas of planning and resource allocation. Enhances collegiality on the campus. Outcome provides funding agencies objective data for performance funding. Initiates institutions into innovative and modern methods of pedagogy.
Why Student Interaction?
To create ’learning communities’. Towards achieving this goal, while the participation of all stakeholders is essential, the involvement of student participation in the institutional quality enhancement processes is crucial and invaluable, because of the following: Students are the largest group within any HEI, and therefore are the main stakeholders who have a much stronger voice than any other stakeholders.
Students are quite well informed, committed, participative, motivated and curious, and this provides for valuable contributions. The several dimensions of student participation often surpass the four walls of the institution and other academic frontiers, following the trend that induces or obliges the institutions to open up to the society.
Of late, world over, there is a wide and positive attitude towards increased student influence in higher education governance including the role of student activism in social changes. Students could therefore be the driving force behind ambitious and far reaching Higher Education reforms.
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