Collaborative Action Research Option (2013) Staff Development
We are famous! In Linda Darling-Hammond’s new book, “Getting Teacher Evaluation Right” (2013) she discusses Amphitheater Career Ladder’s Student Data Analysis and Teacher Reflection form/process on pages Congratulations to all!
Professional Growth Participation in CAR Orientation (electronically) by August 16, 2013 and read all materials on the web site for this module. Completion of an Individual Professional Growth Plan (see Professional Growth Plan Guide) and Student Achievement Plan (due September 13, 2013) Participation in (2) structured staff developer meetings with protocol (September 10, 2013 and TBA after last staff development session) Facilitation of a follow-up plan for all participants of Staff Development trainings Completion of (2) Presenter Reflections for the year Maintenance and completion of a portfolio, professionally presented, organized and aligned to Staff Development Option Expectations and Standards for a Quality Portfolio Adherence to all due dates
Instructional Skills Instruction is modified and adjusted based upon analysis of student data Amphitheater Teacher Performance Evaluation System (ATPES) evaluations (informal and formal) conducted by site administrator
Student Outcomes Development of a Student Achievement Plan based on Arizona State/Common Core Standards and School Site Focus Class Data Sheet for entire population with a minimum of two (2) assessments (pre, post) Student Data Analysis and Teacher Reflection Forms (2) Evidence of 21st Century Skill(s) in student work explained on the Student Work Sample Cover Sheets
Prior to First Semester Staff Development Application Window: August 16, Potential Staff Development Option candidates review needs for professional development offerings and submit a resume and application for one of the modules Administration reviews resumes and makes decisions based on need and best fit no later than August 20, Candidates who are not accepted participate at the regular CAR level of Career Ladder
First Semester: Staff Development Option Participate in the Staff Developers meeting on September 10, 2013 (Structured meeting with protocol) Student Achievement Plan - Due September 13, 2013 received by 5:00 p.m. Deliver to the Pay for Performance Office by the deadline
Second Semester: Staff Development Option Participate in a second Staff Developers Meeting in the spring semester (TBA) Final Submittal - Due May 23, 2014 received by 5:00 p.m. Submit to the Pay for Performance office items as requested from the portfolio. Details available in March.
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