Page 2 PERSPECTIVE 43 Million Change of Address Orders 4.3 Billion Machineable UAA Letters $1.9 Billion Spent on UAA Processing
Page 3 SERVICE QUALITY IMPORTANCE Impacts 20% of Population Each Year One Change of Address Database Error Can Misdirect Thousands of Mail Pieces
Page 4 PROCESSES AUTOMATED BY PARS Change of Address Forms Processing UAA Redirection Processing Postal Service UAA Endorsement Application PS Form 3547 Address Change Notification
Page 5 Outward Processing P&DC Outgoing Primary Sacramento Delivery Unit Inward Processing P&DC Outward Processing P&DC Outgoing Primary New York Redirection Processing CFS Delivery Unit Inward Processing P&DC Carrier Former Address Pick-Up Manual & Mechanized Mail Redirection Processing New Address Incoming Secondary New York Incoming Secondary San Jose Mr. Smith New York Mr. Smith New York Mr. Smith New York San Jose MAIL REDIRECTION PROCESS TODAY
Page 6 Redirection Processing PARS/CFS Redirection Processing PARS Delivery Unit Inward Processing P&DC Incoming Secondary San Jose Outward Processing P&DC Outgoing Primary Sacramento Incoming Secondary New York Delivery Unit Outgoing Primary New York Former Address Resolve Old Address New Address Automatic Processing & Labeling of UAA Mail Image Only New Address UAA Identification & Interception Mr. Smith New York San Jose Mr. Smith New York MAIL REDIRECTION PROCESS WITH PARS
Page 7 NEW CHANGE-OF-ADDRESS ORDER PS FORM 3575 New Easy to Scan Change Of Address Cards Replace the Existing Forms Nationwide FIM and Barcode
Page 8 COA FORMS CAPTURED ON FIM PROGRAM Unique COA POSTNET Code Assigned COA Forms Captured on FIM Program COA Forms Sent to CFPS Site for Scanning
Page 9 COA SCANNER AT CFPS SITES CFPS SITE RELOCATING TO SOUTH SUBURBAN COA Images Sent to RECs for Coding Up to 3,000 COAs Scanned per Hour
Page 10 PS FORMS SCANNED BY CFPS 3575 – Change of Address (COA) 3575S – Spanish Version Change of Address 3575Z – Employee Generated Change of Address 3575WWW – Internet Change of Address 3546 – Forwarding Order Change Notice
Page 12 AUTOMATED CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORMS PROCESS COA Forms Scanned at one of 86 CFPS Sites NCSC Memphis TN Data Entered and Verified at Remote Encoding Centers
Page 13 COA NOTIFICATION TO DELIVERY UNIT 3982 Label Printed at CFS and Sent to Delivery Unit Move Validation Card Printed at NCSC
Page 14 PS FORM 3982 BRIDGE STRATEGY Print 3982 Labels at CFS Site Plan to Migrate 3982 Label Printing to Delivery Units at Mid- Phase II Deployment
Page LABEL 3982 Labels Generated at Local CFS Site CFS Clerks Separate Labels into Pouches and Dispatch to Delivery Units Carrier Verifies Label for Accuracy Carrier Places Label on PS Form 3982
Page LABEL Each Zone Begins with a Zone Header Label Labels are Printed in Carrier Route ID Order Labels without a Carrier Route ID are Printed Last Each Zone Ends with a Zone End Label
Page ZONE HEADER LABEL DETAILS Date Printed Zone POSTNET of Postmaster ZIP+4
Page LABEL DETAILS Carrier Route (printed in CR order) Action Add, Delete or Modify Date Printed Start Date Date to start forwarding End Date Date to stop forwarding for temporary orders. (No End Date shown for permanent orders.) Move Type Family, Individual or Business CFPS Transaction ID Used by DU to access record history on COARS. Name on COA Order OLD Address Information Primary Extract Code Alternate Extract Codes (Up to six if entered in FCS) Urbanization (PR ONLY) is Inserted Between Name and Address Lines As Needed
Page 19 COA FORMS ARCHIVAL AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM No Longer at Delivery Unit Hard Copy COA at CFPS Site for 30 Days COA Images and Data at CFPS Site – 7 Days COA Images and Data at NCSC – 2 Years
Page 20 CHANGE OF ADDRESS REPORTING SYSTEM (COARS) Web Based Application that Allows for the Look Up of COA Records View Actual Scanned COA Forms Entire History of the COA Form is Available Research Any Additions / Corrections that were Made to a Record
Page 21 CHANGE OF ADDRESS REPORTING SYSTEM (COARS) Highly Sensitive Database Using Sophisticated Encryption Techniques Use eAccess for Login and Password Users will have Read Only Access Corrections will be Made Using PS Form 3546 through a Scanner or ‘Key From Paper’ Terminal
Page 22 QUERIES TO THE COARS DATABASE Individual / Family / Business Lookup By Street Name By PO Box By Rural Route / Highway Contract Or Other Lookup By Carrier ID + Zip By Transaction ID
Page 25 DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITIES NOW Send all COA mail to CFS Purge all outdated COA forms use only new Make all COA corrections on PS 3546 Use abbreviations Line out errors do not circle Make endorsements to the left of the address If non DOIS office request DOIS/COARS using eAccess If DOIS all ZIP codes must be in COARS
Page 26 NEW EQUIPMENT AT P&DCS CIOSS Machine Modified DBCS Phase II - V DIOSS Machines DIOSS, BCS Processing Software Enhancements to Existing MPE AFCS MLOCR DBCS MPBCS / OSS Intercept Capability
Page 27 MAIL FLOW COA Processing Carrier Identified Forwards Return to Sender Processing DBCS Intercepted Forwards Intercepted Mail from ISS Equipment Non-CIOSS Sites
Page 28 CARRIER IDENTIFIED FORWARDS Carrier Identifies Forward Machineable Letter Mail Dispatch Machineable Letter Mail to the Plant with Forward Placards
Page 30 STANDARDIZE ENDORSEMENTS ANKAttempted Not Known ILLIllegible DISIn Dispute IAInsufficient Address NSNNo Such Number NSSNo Such Street UTFUndeliverable As Addressed DECDeceased NMRNo Mail Receptacle REFRefused TATemporarily Away UNCUnclaimed VACVacant
Page 31 STANDARDIZE ENDORSEMENT PLACEMENT Left of the Address Never Above Address (Dialogue Box) Robert & Angela Boswell 123 Main Street Anywhere USA, UTF
Page 32 STANDARDIZE ENDORSEMENT CORRECTIONS Corrections to Customer’s Name or Address Line Out Errors No Circling Provide Correction to the Left of the Address Robert & Angela Boswell 123 Main Street Anywhere USA,
Page 33 STANDARDIZE ENDORSEMENTS Endorsement Placement (EXCEPTION) No Room on the Left In these Instances Endorsement to the Right of the Address will be Acceptable
Page 34 RTS ENDORSEMENT SEPARATOR CARDS DECEASED DEC Elvis Presley 123 Graceland Dr Memphis TN The Separator Card MUST GO BEHIND the Mail for that Endorsement
Page 35 Discontinuance of PARS Deceased Separator Cards Effective November 12, 2005 PARS processing of Return-to-Sender (RTS) Deceased letter mail on the Combined Input Output SubSystem (CIOSS) machine will cease. Carriers: Carrier processing of Deceased letter mail pieces will not change. Continue to mark the mail piece as “DEC” and place it in the appropriate slot in the throwback case. Clerks: Clerks will now collect the Deceased letters from the throwback case and hand stamp them with the “Return to Sender” finger. Deceased mail pieces with ACS markings are to be coded with a “P” and sent to the CFS unit for processing. All other Deceased letter mail pieces are to be bundled with the attached placard and sent to the P&DC for processing in the Primary Manual Operation 030. Deceased separator cards will no longer be printed or distributed to delivery units. Please destroy all Deceased separator cards at this time. Improperly prepared Deceased mail which is sent to the CIOSS machine after November 12th will be returned to the delivery unit with an “Improperly Prepared” placard for proper disposition.
Page 38 MAIL PREPARATION Mail should be separated by Machinable and Non- Machinable Carrier Identified Forwards and Return to Sender letter mail. Separate APCs should be set up for Machinable and Non-Machinable mail. Return to Sender mail should be separated or bundled with the appropriate Separator Card and placed on the top shelf of the APC set up for Machinable mail. The top half of the APC should have a placard affixed to it to indicate its contents. Carrier Identified Forwards should be placed in the bottom half of the APC. The bottom half of the APC should have a placard affixed to it to indicate its contents also.
Page 39 MAIL PREPARATION All Non-Machinable as well as ACS Non- Machinable mail will be processed at the CFS site. All P.S. Forms 3575, 3575Z and 3546 will continue to be processed at the CFS site. Change of Address (COA) cards should be sent to CFS immediately upon receipt. Carrier Identified Forwards and Return to Sender mail should be dispatched to the plant on the first available transportation. Carrier Identified Forwards should not be combined with collection mail and must have placards on the container, properly identifying the mail.
Page 40 CFS MAIL PREPARATION Mail to be sent to local CFS site: All classes of Non-Machineable Mail with a forwarding order on file, with the exception of UBBM. This includes Non-Machinable letters, flats, parcels and ACS. P.S. Forms 3575 & 3546 (in separate envelope). P.S. Forms 3849 (in separate envelope or pouch, properly faced and completed). ACS Nixie Mail: All Non-Machinable ACS mail pieces by reason for non-delivery, bundled by ZIP Code and placarded.
Page 41 CFS MAIL PREPARATION Prior to submitting mail to local CFS site, it must be separated into the following categories: Non-Machinable Flats, Parcels, Change of Address cards, ACS – Nixie Mail, and P.S. Forms Mail to be sent to local processing Plant: Machinable letter mail a. Carrier Identified Forwards b. Return to Sender c. ACS
Page 42 MAIL PREPARATION Prior to submitting mail to local Processing Plant, it must be separated by category. Return to Sender mail must be separated from Carrier Identified Forwards. Return to Sender mail must be separated with UAA Separator Cards behind each category. Separator Cards maintain the identity of UAA mail by reason for non-delivery.
Page 43 MAIL PREPARATION DISPATCH Non-Machinable Carrier Identified Forwards and Return to Sender mail will continue to be processed as is currently done today. ALL P.S. Forms 3575 and P.S. Forms 3546 will be sent to CFS in the same manner currently used today. An APC will be used to dispatch Carrier Identified Forward Machinable letters and Return to Sender Machinable letters for processing under the PARS environment at the local plant. The top shelf of the APC will be used for Machinable RTS letters destined for the CIOSS. Each tray sent for processing will be labeled with a “RTS LTRS PARS” tag. The top half of the APC will be labeled with a PARS placard for Machinable RTS letters.
Page 44 MAIL PREPARATION The integrity of each separated endorsement category must be maintained, with a RTS Separator Card behind the Machinable letters of each endorsement category. When rubber bands are required to maintain the integrity they should be light weight so they do not damage the separator cards. The bottom half of the APC will be used for Carrier Identified Forward Machinable letters destined for the CIOSS. Each tray sent for processing will be labeled with a PARS “Carrier Identified Forward” label. The bottom half of the APC will be labeled with a PARS placard for Machinable “Carrier Identified Forwards PARS.”
Page 45 RETURN TO SENDER MAIL Carrier Identifies Machineable RTS Mail RTS Mail Dispatched Using Separator Cards with RTS Placards Postal Service Endorsements
Page 46 Mail Flow from P&DC to CFS Units Removal of Letter Mech Terminals CFPS COA Scanning REC Keying Waste Mail 3982 Labels No Record Percentage Carrier Identified RTS Mail LINK Communications COMMUNICATIONS INTEGRATES ALL THE COMPONENTS