A lesson by Dwight Sutherland Geography teacher For more lessons like this contact Dwight Sutherland on: © Dwight Sutherland 2012
September 13, 2012 Title: Plate Tectonics L.O.: 1.To explain the continental drift theory. 2.To explain the plate tectonics. Keywords 1.Tectonic plates – Large slabs floating on the earth’s mantle. 2.Plate Tectonic – The idea that plates moving in the earth mantle determines the layout of the continents and oceans and causes volcanoes and earthquakes. © Dwight Sutherland
TASK: Describe how the earth has changed in the maps below. The layout of the continents and oceans have changed because of continental drift. © Dwight Sutherland
What is continental drift? Continental drift is an idea first put forward by Alfred Wegner, a German scientist. Millions of years ago the earth was at one point one super continent called Pangaea. Plate tectonics cause Pangaea to split into 2 large continents; Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Plate tectonics cause the 2 large continents to split into smaller continents like we have today. In other words the continents are drifting apart. This is called continental drift. TASK: Label where each of the continents are on the maps to below. Earth TodayEarth 200 million years ago Earth 225 million year ago © Dwight Sutherland
What is continental drift? Continental drift is an idea first put forward by Alfred Wegner, a German scientist. Millions of years ago the earth was at one point one super continent called Pangaea. Plate tectonics cause Pangaea to split into 2 large continents; Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Plate tectonics cause the 2 large continents to split into smaller continents like we have today. In other words the continents are drifting apart. This is called continental drift. TASK: Label where each of the continents are on the map below. Earth Today Earth 200 million years ago Earth 225 million year ago © Dwight Sutherland
Lesson recap TASK: What is: continental drift? plate tectonics? a plate? tectonic movement? © Dwight Sutherland
TASK: Watch the video on plate tectonics. Look for; What cause the continents to drift/move? What are plates made of? Why do the plates to move? © Dwight Sutherland
TASK : Use the following keywords to explain the plate tectonic theory. GEOG TIP: Use sketches along with your explanation Continental drift Plate tectonics Plates Convection currents Continents Oceans Crust Mantle Core Pangaea Gondwonaland Laurasia Asthenosphere Molten material Writing frame Example Plate tectonics is the idea that the continents are …because of … When the continents drift around it is called … Scientist believe that millions of years ago the earth was …Then the continents split into two (2) smaller continents called …They further broke up into … The reason the continents broke up is because of plates. Plates are found … Plates move in the … They move because of convection currents. Convection current is …When plates move they form … © Dwight Sutherland
Peer review TASK: Read your peer’s work and assess their work. Check for: Use of keywords Use of good SPaG (Spelling, punctuation and Grammar) Detail explanation © Dwight Sutherland
A lesson by Dwight Sutherland Geography teacher For more lessons like this contact Dwight Sutherland on: © Dwight Sutherland 2012