RAISEonline Data Analysis St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (c)
Year 1 Phonics Check: FSM/ Disadvantaged Pupils There were only 5 pupils entitled to FSM in the cohort. Of the 5 FSM pupils, 60% achieved the standard which was 6% below the national average of 66%. St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (c)
Year 2 Phonics Check: FSM/ Disadvantaged Pupils There were only 4 pupils entitled to FSM in the cohort. Of the 4 FSM pupils, 100% achieved the standard which was 16% above the national average of 84%. St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (c)
Key Stage 1: FSM/Disadvantaged There were 4 pupils entitled to FSM in this cohort. Our 4 FSM pupils performed above other FSM pupils nationally overall by 1.7; they were above other FSM nationally in reading by 2.5; were above others in writing by 0.5; and were above others in mathematics by 2.3. Our FSM pupils performed below our non FSM pupils by 1.3 in all subjects; they were below our non FSM pupils by 0.7 in reading; were below by 2.7 in writing and were below by 0.4 in mathematics. 4 St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (c) 2015
Key Stage 2 Attainment: FSM/Disadvantaged Pupils The performance of the our 5 FSM pupils was below our non FSM pupils for the combined maths, reading and writing by 3.8 and below other FSM pupils nationally by 1.4. In mathematics our FSM pupils were below our non FSM pupils by 5.1 and below FSM pupils nationally by 2.7. In reading our FSM pupils were below our non FSM pupils by 2.5 and below FSM pupils nationally by 0.6. In writing our FSM pupils were below our non FSM pupils by 2.6 but above FSM pupils nationally by 0.4. In the SPAG test our FSM pupils were below our non FSM pupils by 2.9 and below FSM pupils nationally by St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (c) 2015
Expected progress by FSM pupils in Mathematics between KS1 and KS2 St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (c) The table shows that of the 5 pupils entitled to FSM 60% made at least 2 levels of progress through KS2 compared with 82% of our non FSM pupils and compared with 91% nationally. 0% of our FSM pupils made more than 2 levels of progress compared with 29% of our non FSM pupils and compared with 37% nationally.
Expected progress by FSM pupils in Writing between KS1 and KS2 St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (c) The table shows that of the 5 pupils entitled to FSM 100% made at least 2 levels of progress through KS2 compared with 96% of our non FSM pupils and compared with 95% nationally. 20% of our FSM pupils made more than 2 levels of progress compared with 25% of our non FSM pupils and compared with 37% nationally.
Expected progress by FSM pupils in Reading between KS1 and KS2 St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (c) The table shows that of the 5 pupils entitled to FSM 100% made at least 2 levels of progress through KS2 compared with 82% of our non FSM pupils and compared with 92% nationally. 0% of our FSM pupils made more than 2 levels of progress compared with 24% of our non FSM pupils and compared with 33% nationally.
Summary of 2015 RAISEonline The school serves an above average socio-economic catchment area with attainment on entry expected to be above or in line with the national expectations; The current Year 6s attainment was slightly above that of the last Year 6 on entry into Year 3. The current Year 6 had fewer pupils in the low attaining band at the end of Year 2 than nationally and more in the higher band compared to the national average. EYFS and Key Stage 1Key Stage 2 EYFS: The percentage of pupils achieving a good level of development was below the national average at 55% compared with 61% nationally. Phonics: Year 1: The 3 trend in Year 1 phonics results shows an improvement from the 2013 position for All Pupils, from 77% to 87% in Standards have been above the national average for the past 3 years. There were 47 pupils in the cohort with 87% achieving the expected standard. This was 10% above the national average of 77%. Phonics: Year 2: There were 42 pupils in the cohort with 100% achieving the expected standard. This was 10% above the national average of 90%. Key Stage 1: The 2015 levels in Reading were above the national average at L2c+ (100%) by 10%, were above the national average at 2B+ (93%) by 11% and above the national averages at L3 (45%) by 13%. In Writing the results were above the national average at L2c+ (95%) by 8%, significantly above the national average at 2B+ (88%) by 16% and significantly above the national average at L3 (31%) by 13%. In Mathematics the results were above at L2c+ (100%) by 7%, above the average at 2B+ (90%) by 9% and significantly above the national average at L3 (45%) by 19%. The performance of the boys was above the girls overall by 0.8; and was above boys nationally by 2.3 with girls being above other girls nationally by 0.6. Our 4 FSM pupils performed above other FSM pupils nationally overall by 1.7; they were above other FSM nationally in reading by 2.5; were above others in writing by 0.5; and were above others in mathematics by 2.3. Our 9 EAL pupils performed above other EAL pupils nationally by 2.2 overall; they were above other EAL nationally in reading by 2.1; were above others in writing by 2.9; and were above others in mathematics by 1.6. The term of birth was significant because Autumn born pupils’ performance was above that of Summer born pupils by slightly more than noted nationally. Attainment In 2015 the percentage attaining L4+ in maths (91%) was above the national average by 4%. The percentage attaining a good level 4 (4b+) was 77% which matched the national average. The percentage attaining L5+ (41%) also matched the national average. The percentage attaining L6 (5%) was below the national average by 3%. In 2015 the percentage attaining L4+ in reading (95%) was above the national average by 6%. The percentage attaining a good L4 (L4b+) was 82% and above the national average by 2%. The percentage attaining L5 (43%) was below the national average by 5%. 0% of pupils attained Level 6. In 2015 the percentage attaining L4+ in writing (95%) was above the national average by 8%. The percentage attaining L5 (45%) was above the national average by 9%. 0% attained Level 6. In 2015 the percentage attaining L4+ in SPAG (89%) was above the national averages by 9%. The percentage attaining a good Level 4 (L4b+) was 77% and above the national average by 4%. The percentage attaining L5 (54%) was below the national average by 2%. 2% of pupils attained Level 6. Groups The performance of the boys was below the girls for the combined maths, reading and writing by 1.1 but just above boys nationally by 0.1. Girls were above girls nationally by 0.8. The performance of the our 5 FSM pupils was below our non FSM pupils for the combined maths, reading and writing by 3.8 and below other FSM pupils nationally by 1.4. The performance of the our 11 EAL pupils was above our non EAL pupils for the combined maths, reading and writing by 1.5 and above other EAL pupils nationally by 2.2. Progress Value added information suggests that progress between KS1 and KS2 was significantly below the average overall and for maths and reading, and below the national for writing. 96% of pupils made 2 levels progress in writing; 84% did so in reading and 80% did so in maths. 9 St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School (c) 2015