Chapter 15– page 312 to 325 Texas Joins the USA Manifest Destiny Joint Resolution Political Parties Biennial Corporation Democratic Party Republican Party Know-Nothing-Party
Manifest Destiny the belief that the United States was meant to spread across North America. (political, social, and economic influence)
Joint Resolution Measure passed by both houses of Congress that is a formal expression of intent.
Biennial every two years
Corporation Companies that sell shares of ownership to investors to raise money
Political Parties Groups of people who help elect government officials and influence government policies.
Democratic Party one of the two major political parties in the U.S., founded in (in the US) the older and more liberal of the two major political parties
Republican Party one of the two major political parties in the U.S.: originated 1854–56. the more conservative of the two major political parties in the US: established around 1854
Know-Nothing-Party a member of a political party(American party or Know-Nothing party) prominent from 1853 to 1856, whose aim was to keep control of the government in the hands of native-born citizens: so called because members originally professed ignorance of the party's activities.