1 Winning Independence2 Simultaneous Roundtable 3The Country’s 1 st Government4 The Articles of Confederation 5The Creation of the U.S.A.6 Federalist DBQs 7Debating the Constitution8 Cause & Effect: Bill of Rights 9Washington’s First Obstacles10 DIY : Branches & Powers 11Domestic & Foreign Affairs12 Washington’s Legacy 13Political Parties14 A Quick Debate
Based on the slides, describe the and answer the terms and questions below. Define & Answer Factions Republicans vs… Federalists The Election of 1796 EQ : Do you believe having political parties helps or hurts the nation? 13
Factions Nobody expected political parties to develop. They thought that they were bad and selfish, and called them “factions” Washington said that they would destroy, “the best fabric of human government and happiness.” Candidates for presidency tried to use it to gain supporters anyway
Republicans 1.Believed people should have political power 2.Favored strong state government 3.Favored strict interpretation of the Constitution 4.Opposed National Bank 5.Opposed tariff
Federalists 1.Believed wealthy and educated should have political power 2.Favored strong federal government 3.Favored loose interpretation of the Constitution 4.Favored National Bank 5.Favored tariff
The Election of 1796 George Washington stepped down, rather than run for a 3 rd term of Presidency Republican Candidate : Thomas Jefferson Federalist Candidate : John Adams (Washington’s VP) John Adams won, and Jefferson became Vice President… Is that a good idea??
A Quick Debate 14