JTCP POC: CDR Kevin Borden, Joint Training Coordination Program (JTCP) Mission: Bringing joint context to major Service training events. Core Function: Service and SOCOM training planners come together in the JTCP to coordinate, discuss, and resolve inter-Service requests. The JNTC provides the joint participation by resourcing the intra-theatre movement of personnel and equipment for planning and execution of the joint training events. Relevance: FY08: 11 events supported at a cost of $3.49M FY09: 24 events across supported at a cost of $4.45M FY10: 38 planned events across at a cost of $9.93M FY11: JTCP stakeholders recently approved FY11 agreements plan totaling $8.6M Value to the Warfighter: Fleet Synthetic Training 09-4 included SOCOM Special Operations Forces Response Cell, USAF virtual AWACS, USMC Fire Support Team Cell, and USA virtual PATRIOT Battery. Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Weapons Tactics Instructor Course 1-10 included SOCOM virtual AC-130, USAF JSTARS, USN F-18s, and USA PATRIOT.
JTCP POC: CDR Kevin Borden, ACGU Discussion JTCP focus remains on facilitating cross-service participation in Service/SOCOM JNTC-accredited training programs. JTCP to date has maintained its chartered focus Only JNTC-accredited Service training programs Funds are limited, expansion involves risk JTCP provides venue for COCOM and ACGU to leverage existing training opportunities for joint training JTEN has proven to be most effective JTCP funds only applied to Service/SOCOM JNTC-Accredited programs Other activities may be coordinated, but only as “pay to play” ACGU OPFOR Interagency
JTCP POC: CDR Kevin Borden, JTCP Events FY 10 ACGU requests recently withdrawn AUS: virtual AC-130, A-10 (eCAS) GBR: ISR feeds in two Bde MRX’s JTCP initially participated in ACGU WG JTCP offered as a venue to facilitate ACGU joint training ACGU participated in JTCP WG starting in FY10 FY 11 ACGU requests for limited support AUS: DTEN/JTEN in FCP East/TASMANEX 11 GBR: desires ISR feed in two Bde MRX’s FY 12 JTCP for POM 12 budget line item submission 1 Jun Joint Training Coordination Conference (JTCC) Kick-off FY 12 JTCP planning process
JTCP POC: CDR Kevin Borden, Notes on ACGU Status 25 Mar 2010 ACGU WG, Mr. Chuck Whitaker represented JTCP GBR Developed relationships with WPC/EUCOM/AFRICOM for OPS level events Land Warfare Training Center has ongoing relationship with USMC for tactical level training and is working on agreements with Dept of Army for same JTCP Group notified that FY 12 JTCP requirements development will commence with 1 June JTCC JTEN Solutions Division briefed ACGU enclave to JTEN should be operational by end of CY 10 Believe COL Walrond will brief that Issue presented to WJTSC is resolved and that ACGU Working Group will continue as a quarterly update to resolve any emergent issues