GOES-R Series User Readiness Planning and Development May 12, 2004
User Readiness Goals User communities fully ready when GOES-R becomes operational –NOAA Line Offices and programs –Other federal agencies –Non-federal users
Scope User Readiness includes planning, preparation, risk reduction, and training –NESDIS: leads NOAA Line Offices’ programmatic and budget planning Supports other federal agencies planning Provides outreach and coordination with non-federal user communities
Readiness Functions Education and Training Delivery Mechanisms Product Readiness Planning, Budgeting and Reporting
User Readiness WBS
Complexities Diverse user communities with unique operational and programmatic needs Diverse readiness functions to be planned, organized, scheduled and budgeted Comprehensive coordination, monitoring and reporting required
Approach Organize and facilitate planning with extended GOES team –Organize teams and conduct work sessions –Initially top-level requirements planning and analysis –Selected acquisition and implementation items Document and manage “end-to-end” user readiness needs –Document and maintain Integration and Transition Roadmaps –Apply standard program management practices for the Program (e.g., coordination, change management)
Preliminary Schedule Requirements Definition – 2004 –Start documentation of needs for each NOAA Line Office, programs, participating federal agencies and other user groups –Establish Coordination and Change Control mechanisms, and start Preliminary Interface Requirements Documents (IRD) –Develop initial User Readiness budget plan Planning and Coordination – 2005 –Coordinate with participating agencies and users –Integrate and optimize set of IRDs –Develop acquisition strategy and plans –Coordinate budget strategy with Line Offices and programs Prepare for Operational Integration – –Complete key analyses, Interface Control Documents (ICD), and Integration requirements and plans, Operational T&E, Training…
Conceptual Timeline Operational IntegrationDevelopmentPlanning Monitoring & Reporting Interagency Coordination Budget Plans Implementation Plans Planning, Budgeting and Coordination Data Sets/Meta Data Product Validation Algorithm Validation Test Bed Operation Product Readiness G/S Prototype Operation Archive and Access Distribution/Dissemination Access Gateways User Delivery Mechanisms
Conceptual Timeline Reference Materials Direct Services Content Product Applications Training Strategies/Training Education and Training Operational IntegrationDevelopmentPlanning
Breakout Sessions Provide User recommendations on: Planned Scope and Approach Priority items and strategies Schedule and future participation Coordination mechanisms and contacts
12 Summary: –For more information: –For Bulletin Board: –For Power Point Presentations: ftp://ftp.osd.noaa.gov/goesuser/