30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting1 FCC-- ee coordination meeting 12 Nov 2015 Brief news.


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Presentation transcript:

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting1 FCC-- ee coordination meeting 12 Nov 2015 Brief news

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting2 some to-dos -- write-ups for conferences: (EPS below) Janot (done) Koratzinos (done) Klute Dam (seen draft) Blondel (in progress) -- should address SPC questions (next slide) in some way in particular ‘Physics at FCC-ee’ poster write-up; see above. -- MDI project (FCC coordination group tomorrow) -- Physics behind precision & Physics workshop February 2-5 FCC academic training same week -- Rome meeting April 11-15, how to get more manpower: requests to PH, EC: ITN? (Patrick later)

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting3 VC meetings Physco: Thursday s 12Nov Dec2015 Physics VCs 30Nov2015  Agenda Accelerator VC 2 Nov 2015

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting4 2 Nov st FCC-ee accelerator VC

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting5 First look at compensating magnets set-up (Koratzinos)

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting6 Other date of note: ECFA plenary meeting November C. Grojean will present «future e+e- colliders» 19 afternoon There is a ‘Muon meeting’ on 18 November to discuss the possibilities of a muon beam program muon storage rings as neutrino source or  collider in absence of Patrick, I will present «experiments at muon colliders»

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting7 14 October 2015, Review of FCC-ee optics & beam dynamics Reviewers: Ralph Assmann (DESY), Alain Blondel (U. Geneva), Yunhai Cai (SLAC), Stephane Fartoukh (CERN), John Jowett (CERN, Chair), Jean-Pierre Koutchouk (CERN), Valeri Lebedev (FNAL), Eugene Levichev (BINP), Pantaleo Raimondi (ESRF) Scope: Define a (new) baseline configurations for collision scheme, IR layout, final focus, overall configuration; converge on beam parameters; identify critical issues

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting8

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting9 rather great progress in layout -- scheme appears more and more feasible -- for now lumi is GeV, 2IP -- more to come -- asymmetric IP very good for SR  -- more to come to improve luminosity -- in particular in alignment, feedacks etc.. -- injection scheme now being worked on -- MDI group to gain importance Review conclusions in preparation.

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting10 K.Oide H. Burkhardt

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting11 Next steps. 1. we had a number of mini-workshops -- detectors -- EWRC calculations -- Higgs Physics -- alpha_s -- Flavour WG meetings Excellent workshops -- follow-up needed -- discussion expect one or few highlights for the future -- looks like we could use a Wkshp on «neutrinos at colliders» we have done nice work.

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting12 Next VC 30Nov2015  agenda -- summary of what we learned in the miniworkshops and upcoming questions ? -- what in each group?

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting13 FCC-ee workshop 2-5 February -1- listen to Roberto and come back to this. note that academic training will take place every day that week 10h h30 : Academic training rest of the day: FCC-ee workshop Suggest to specify -- invite CERN director of research -- overall news from FCC and FCC-ee accelerator -- highlight talks on FCC-ee physics -- work in progress from working groups

30 April 2014FCC-ee Physics Coordination meeting14 FCC meeting in Rome Proposed agenda for physics sessions: -- need to plan contributions - new things reports from mini-workshops, new papers - important basics event rates, detector design, detector requirements, etc Avoid duplication and incompatibility with FCC-ee machine sessions (e.g. for MDI) suggest to get going after FCC-CG meeting tomorrow.