Counseling for Family Planning
Learning Outcomes for Study this Session Adapting the counseling process Characteristics and skills of family planning counselor.
Adapting the Counseling Process Most providers will need to adapt the counseling process according to the: Area, culture, and physical environment they are working in. In some service delivery settings the demand for services is so high that physical, staffing, and time constraints prevent clients from being counseled privately. In other settings, clients actually prefer the group counseling situation due to cultural factors.
Adapting the Counseling Process The factors that a provider always has responsibility for and most control over are: Tolerance, empathy, and supportive attitude. Respect for clients. Technical knowledge. Use of a dynamic style of counseling which responds to individual client needs. Belief in and knowledge that family planning saves lives and improves families' quality of life. Limitations due to lack of space, staff, and supplies must be addressed by providers creatively and with the health facility staff as a team. Cultural factors must always be taken into account and clients comfort levels and individual needs should be satisfied as much as possible by providers.
What does every user of family planning services have the right to expect? Information: to understand the advantages and availability of family planning Access: to be able to obtain services, regardless of race, creed, social status or lifestyle Choice: to make decisions freely regarding family planning and contraceptive methods Safety: to practice safe and effective family planning Privacy: access to a private space for receiving counseling and services
What does every user of family planning services have the right to expect? Confidentiality: to be certain that any personal information will be kept confidential Dignity: to be treated with courtesy, consideration and complete attention Comfort: to feel comfortable when receiving services Continuity: to receive family planning services and supplies at the times when they are necessary Opinion: to express points of view regarding the services being offered
General principles of counseling These are the important principles and conditions necessary for effective counseling: Privacy — find a quiet place to talk. Take sufficient time. Maintain confidentiality. Conduct the discussion in a helpful atmosphere. Keep it simple — use words people in your village will understand. First things first — do not cause confusion by giving too much information. Say it again — repeat the most important instructions again and again. Use available visual aids like posters and flip charts, etc.
General principles of counseling Interact: The provider listens, learns and responds to the client. Tailor information to the client. Listening to the client, the providers learn what information each client needs. Treat each client well. The provider is polite, shows respect for every client and creates a feeling of trust. Clients need information to make informed choices. Avoid too much information as too much information makes it hard to remember really important information. Provide the method that the client wants. Help the client understand and remember.
Skills and characteristics of a counselor Once again, remind yourself of the general skills and characteristics you need to be a successful counselor. What are the most important characteristics you should bring to your counseling role? The most important characteristics are: Respect the dignity of others. Respect the client’s concerns and ideas. Be non-judgmental and open. Show that you are being an active listener. Be empathetic and caring. Be honest and sensitive.
Skills and characteristics of a counselor What should family planning counselors be able to do? Create a comfortable atmosphere for family planning users Present information clearly Encourage the formulation of questions Listen and observe attentively Be impartial or neutral Ask questions in a manner that encourages clients to share information and feelings Facilitate effective counselor-user interaction Speak the language of the client Have respect for the values and attitudes of users
CONCLUSION Family planning counselor should: Understand, and be sensitive to, cultural and psychological factors that may affect clients in your village adopting and using family planning methods. listen carefully to what you are being told, and be sure to answer all questions clearly and accurately when helping clients in their contraceptive choice. Try to find out your clients’ views by encouraging them to talk. Do not ask them direct and judgmental questions.
CONCLUSION Family planning counselor should have good scientific knowledge of all the contraceptive methods. Understand the practical part of family planning methods. Should be prepared to answer questions comfortably and without embarrassment in relation to contraceptive myths, rumors, sexuality, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), reproductive and personal concerns.
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