European day of languages Comenius project: Three is the magic number – reduce, reuse, recycle Osnovna škola Glina, Glina, Croatia October, 2013.
At the initiative of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, the European Day of Languages has been celebrated every year since 2001 on September, 26th. This year for the second time our school celebrated European day of languages as part of Comenius project: Three is the magic number - reduce, reuse, recycle.
During this activity students learned the rhyme Brother Peter in different partner languages. Every class learned the rhyme in Croatian and one more language. At the end of the activity we made a big Comenius choir and the students sang the rhyme in all the languages. Activity 1 – Brother Peter
Activity 1 – Brother
Activity 1 – Brother Peter
In the second activity all the students participated in learning 5 words from different partner languages. They learned how to say SCHOOL, TEACHER, STUDENT, NOTEBOOK and PENCIL in all the languages. Later they played different games related to the words they learned, partner countries names and flags. Activity 2 – Word games
As a part of one of the earlier activities we got from our partners recepie books. Teacher with a little help from their students prepared some of the recepies from the partner books. At the end of the European day of languages project day we tried them out and had some fun. Activity 3 – Recepie taste
Comenius school team worked hard on this project day and it was great!