Books of the Bible JesusBeatitudesAnimalsLocations Command ments $ 100 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500
$ 100 These are the first and last books of the Bible
$ 200 These are the three books in order directly following the four gospels
$ 300 This is the full name of the second book of the New Testament
$ 400 This book immediately follows Amos in the Old Testament
$ 500 This is the number of books in the Bible
$ 100 These people were crucified with Jesus
$ 200 This was the last demonstration of Jesus
$ 300 This was the age of Jesus at His ascension
$ 400 This was someone that Jesus raised from the dead
$ 500 This is the name of Jesus’ best known talk
$ 100 This is the end of the Beatitude that starts with “Blessed are the pure in heart”
This is where the Beatitudes are found in the Bible
$ 300 This is the number of beatitudes
$ 400 This is the end of the beatitude that starts: “Blessed are the peacemakers”
$ 500 The beatitudes are a part of this larger sermon
$ 100 These animals lurked around Daniel while he was in a den
$ 200 Moses turned this into a rod
$ 300 This animal brought the sign of safety to Noah indicating that the waters had abated
$ 400 Pharaoh dreamed of this animal in the first dream that Joseph interpreted
$ 500 The Good Samaritan placed the injured man on this animal
$ 100 Jesus was born in this town
$ 200 This is the place God revealed the Ten Commandments to Moses
$ 300 Joseph was sold into slavery to this land
$ 400 Jesus was betrayed in this place
$ 500 Jesus grew up in this town
$ 100 This is what the third commandment says
$ 200 This is where the Ten Commandments are found in the Bible
$ 300 This is the end of the sentence that begins: “Remember that Sabbath day”
$ 400 These are three of the things that are not to be coveted
$ 500 Jesus said that the greatest commandment and the second are this
Books Of the Bible Men of the Bible Geography Women of the Bible Gospel Facts Disciples $ 200 $ 400 $ 600 $ 800 $ 1000
$ 200 This is the fifth Book of the Old Testament
$ 400 “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken...” is a quote taken from it.
$ 600 Neither of these two books mention the words “LORD” or “God”
$ 800 This book immediately follows Jeremiah
$ 1000 The last verse of this book states “And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen”
$ 200 Originally known as Saul, this man became a great apostle
$ 400 This person is famous for receiving two stone tablets
These individuals were put into the fiery furnace
$ 800 This person is known for knocking down a man with a stone
$ 1000 This man showed mercy to Ruth
$ 200 This was the captial City of King Nebuchadnezzar
$ 400 This river turned to blood during the first of the ten plagues
$ 600 Elisha instructed Naaman the Leper to wash himself in this body of water.
$ 800 God told Elijah to hide here after delivering His message to King Ahab
$ 1000 This island housed the city of Paphos
$ 200 This woman was the first to eat in the garden of Eden
$ 400 This woman saved her son’s life by hiding him in a cradle made of reeds at the river’s bank
$ 600 This woman is the sister of Martha
These two women have books named after them in the Old Testament.
$ 1000 Also known as Dorcas, Peter helped bring this woman to life.
$ 200 This person Denied Jesus three times
$ 400 Jesus was in this town when He turned water into wine
$ 600 This person ran to Jesus’ tomb alongside John
$ 800 The inscription on Jesus’ cross was written in these languages
$ 1000 Peter cut the ear off of this servant of the High Priest
$ 200 This disciple betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
$ 400 This disciple was asked by Jesus to look after His mother Mary
$ 600 These two disciples followed Jesus after He said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
$ 800 These gospel writers were from the original 12 disciples
$ 1000 These are six of the names of the twelve disciples
This verse states: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”