Afforestation is a Program to increase the Plant Coverage. It is the opposite of De-Forestation. De-Forestation on a large scale has disturbed the Ecological Balance and has created Environmental Pollution Problems. Rain Cycles have been disturbed and Erosion of Soil has taken place. Afforestation has Multi Dimensional Objectives: 1)To Restore Ecological Balance and Stabilize The Rain Cycle. 2)Counter the Environmental Pollution. 3)Optimizing the Use of Land for Afforestation. 4)Inculcating Tree Consciousness in Masses. 5)Productive Utilization of Forest Products for Industrial Purposes like Paper, Timber, Building Construction, Furniture etc.
Categories Of Forestry. There are Two Broad Categories of Forestry: 1)Production (Industrial)Forestry: Here the Emphasis is on Production of Timber and Wood for Industrial Purposes. 2)Social Forestry. The Program aims at combating the Idle Land, Labor, Small Constructional Timber, and to Stabilize the Soil. It calls for a Monolithic Integration of Agriculture, Forestry, and Animal Husbandry. Social Forestry can be classified into three categories: 1)Farm Forestry. 2)Rural Forestry. 3)Urban Forestry.
Marketing Afforestation. The Following Points Justify the Application of Societal Marketing Principles for Time Honored and Cost Effective Implementation of the Program: 1)An Optimal Mix of Afforestation Program( Combination of Social, Economic, and Environmental Requirements). 2)Inculcating Mass Awareness. 3)Cost Effectiveness is Possible. 4)Sensitive Segment is Benefited. 5)Rural Economy is Benefited. 6)Maintaining Ecological Balance. Afforestation Mix: 1)Trees. 2)Shrubs. 3)Sub Shrubs. 4)Herbal.
Social Forestry. Social Forestry is a Community Development Program, instrumental in protecting Social/Public Interests by increasing Fuel Wood Supply, Small Timber Supply, Fodder Supply, Protection of Agricultural Fields against Winds and Erosion and is also used for Entertaining Masses. Three Constituents of Social Forestry are Farm Forestry, Rural Forestry, and Urban Forestry. 1)Farm Forestry:Relates to Individual Land-leads to balanced Rural Economy. Mix: Farm Bands, Wind Breaker, Green Revolution, Checking Erosion,and Salinization. Benefits: Firewood, Fodder, Small Timber, Organic Manure. 2)Rural Forestry:Relates to Community Land-Leads to Cottage Industries. Mix:Road Side, Railway Side, Degraded Land, and Derelict Areas. Benefits: Raw Materials for Small Scale Industries. 3)Urban Forestry: Relates to Community Land-Leads to Beautification of Environment. Mix: Good Looking, Small Size, Flower/Fruit Providing Plants. Benefits: Beautification of Environment and reduction of Air Pollution. Industrial(Production Forestry): Plantation-Paper Industry, Timber Industry, and Pharmaceutical Industry. Benefits: Provides Raw Materials for above Industries.
Promoting Afforestation. The Promotion of Afforestation can be broadly Categorized into three Parts as under: 1)Personal Promotion: Integrated to Religion, Co- Operation of Saints and Prophets required. 2)Advertisement and Publicity Based on Creativity: Creating Mass Awareness through Radio/TV, Drama, Folk Dances/Songs etc. 3)Service Promotion: Incentives to Individuals, Institutions, Subsidies, Lucrative Incentives to Individuals and Institutional Motivators.