These people all have something in common… What is it?
THEY ARE ALL JEWISH In this unit we are going to: Enquire into the origins of Judaism Ask questions about some of the key features of the religion Evaluate whether the Jewish faith needs to modernise
Today we are going to… All: to enquire into the beginnings of Judaism and what it means to be Jewish, Most: To be able to communicate reasons why Jews celebrate Some: To be able to evaluate with reasons THIS NEEDS TO BE CHANGED TO INCLUDE THE BOXES!
Promises, promises Learning Objective: To enquire into the foundations of Judaism I can explain what a promise is, and give examples of what it can involve I can explain the role of Abraham, I can explain the importance of the covenant and Abraham
Key Terms Jew – Someone who follows the Jewish religion Jewish – Relates to the Jewish religion or culture Judaism – The Jewish religion Covenant – a special agreement between the Jews and God
Below are two of the most important symbols of Judaism. And these to your spider diagram and add a brief explanation for it. The symbol or emblem of the Jewish people is the known as the Star of David. The Menorah is one of the oldest symbols of the Jewish faith. It is a candelabrum with seven candle holders displayed in Jewish synagogues.
Where did Judaism begin? It began here in Israel We live here!
The first Jew was Abraham, who lived in the Middle East more than 4,000 years ago and he was called the father of the Jewish people. He belonged to a group of wandering people called Hebrews and believed that there was only one God. The original name for the people we now call Jews was Hebrews. Who was the founder of Judaism?
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A covenant is a sacred agreement between God and a person or group of people. God sets specific conditions, and He promises to bless us as we obey those conditions. When we choose not to keep covenants, we cannot receive the blessings, and in some instances we suffer a penalty as a consequence of our disobedience.
Why is Abraham important to Jews?
He spoke to God and made a covenant with Him promising to worship and obey Him. In return, God promised to make Abraham and his family his Chosen People.
Homework Name of followers Founder of Judaism When did it begin? Where did it begin? Name of holy building? Name of holy book? Language used Holy Day. Name of Festivals and Why they are celebrated Key Beliefs