Note Taking for Lectures Dr. Frank Jenkins Centre for Research in Youth Science Teaching & Learning
Alberta.ca2 Alternative Note Taking Sometimes during lectures (especially public lectures outside our your area of expertise), you have to use a different strategy to note taking. One such strategy is a two-column approach the includes standard content and scientific language.
Alberta.ca3 Two Column Note Taking Standard Content “Major economic impact …” “Global temperature by …” “Projected ice extent …” “Stress in populations …” “More productive in …” “Current UV radiation …” “Spread of new insects …” “Cultural importance of …” “The oil and gas industry …” “In Buenos Aires on Nov 15…” Nature of Science Language “The assumption is that …” “An argument is that …” “According to the concept…” “As a result of of this study…” “It tends to suggest that …” “Key findings were …” “There may be a connection…” “We could predict that …” “People believe that …” “You can see here that …”
Alberta.ca4 Two Column Note Taking Standard Content “… 380 ppm CO 2 >30% …” “… 1750 ppb CH4 >250% …” “… Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) …” “… the thickness of sea ice …” “… the previous record of …” “The snow cover in Alaska …” “Permafrost types include… ” “Peatlands have organic …” “Well preserved organic matter is …” Nature of Science Language “Recent studies report that…” “…argued that we can’t ignore” “… as a consequence …” “These illustrations show …” “Based on ACI assessments…” “Very few studies done but…” “The … lets me predict the …” “There is good evidence to…” “… argued that we should look to science for an answer to …” “Accurate measurements of …"
Alberta.ca5 Assignment (take your time) Start to listen for, read and write nature of science messages; e.g., take scientific language notes underline nature of science messages write by justifying your knowledge claim talk like a scientist who is speaking carefully on a topic of high uncertainty.