Lecture № 3 Medical-social problems of demographic process. Demographic indexes at different regions of world, separate countries and in Ukraine Lecture № 4
Demography is the scientific study of human population Demography studies aspects of a population – Changes in population size – Composition of population – Distribution of population on the territory
interrelation of socio-economic factors and the changes. Before we plan any health intervention or programs for the community we should know the size and composition of the community We also need to know the changes that will occur to the size and composition to the population
Demography studies numerical structure of the population; shares of the population according to gender, age, social and professional groups; accommodation and movement of the population around the territory; causes and effects of changes in population structure;
World population About ¾th of world population lives in the developing countries China and India are the two most populous countries in the world About 95% of the population growth is occurring in the developing countries
The quantity of population of Ukraine for January 1, 2013 was 45,372,7 00. China (1,3 billion); India (1,049 billion); United States of America (297 million); Russia (142 million); Japan (127 million); Bangladesh (149 million); Nigeria (127 million).
Low of 70 If a population is growing at a constant rate of 1% per year, it can be expected to double approximately every 70 years If the rate of growth is 2%, then the expected doubling time is 70/2 or 35 years.
Types of reproduction of the population The ages groups ProgressiveStationaryRegressiveUkraine 50 years and older (C) 20 % 25 %30 %41,96 % a working age (B) 50 % 43,97 % Under 15 years of age (A) 30 %25 % 20 % 14,07 %
TYPES OF DOCUMENTS, WHICH DESIGN AT BIRTH OF CHILD "Medical birth certificate" (form № 103/r-95) "Medical certificate about the stay of child under surveillance of medical establishment" (form №103-1/r-96) Journalize the account of new-born (f. № 152/r) Birth certificate
T.R. Malthus, English clergyman, Thomas Robert Malthus, was the first person to draw widespread attention to the two components of natural increase, births and deaths (fertility and mortality).
The registration by the medical establishment The "Medical certificate about death" (form № 106/r-95) or "Assistant medical certificate about death" (form № 106-1/r-95) The "Medical certificate about perinatal death" - form № 106-2/r-95 Journalize account of perinatal death rate (f. № 153/r).
Types of babies death rate type A - on the first month of life dies 50 % and amore from the common number of the children deceased on the 1st year; type B – on the 1st month dies from 30% to 49 % of the common number of deceased on the 1st year; type С - less than 30 % children dies on the first month of life, other - in a post neonatal period.
The cases of maternal death rate are divided into 2 groups: Directly related to the obstetric reasons these are the cases, which are the result of obstetric complications of the state of pregnancy, and also interferences, oversight, errors in treatment. Immediately related to the obstetric reasons are the cases, which are the result of some illness which was in women earlier or developed during pregnancy and which was not caused directly by the obstetric reasons, but was complicated by the physiological influence of pregnancy.
Developing countries have high death rates because Dirty, unreliable water supplies Poor housing conditions Poor access to medical sevices Endemic disease in some countries Diets that are short in calories and/or protein
Developed countries have low death rates because Good housing conditions Safe water supplies More than enough food to eat Advanced medical services which are easy to access Some developed countries have a high death rate as they have an ageing population with many older people.