Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) Monastery temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri; transformed into a monastery in the 5th century
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism A. Anthony of Egypt
Anthony of Egypt in Later Imagination (Schongauer)
Anthony & the Demons (Grünewald)
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism A. Anthony of Egypt B. 3 Theories Regarding the Rise of 4 th -Century Monasticism
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism A. Anthony of Egypt B. 3 Theories Regarding the Rise of 4 th -Century Monasticism II. “Types”or Models of Monasticism
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism A. Anthony of Egypt B. 3 Theories Regarding the Rise of 4 th -Century Monasticism II. “Types”or Models of Monasticism A. 3 Main Models 1. Anchoritic Monasticism
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism A. Anthony of Egypt B. 3 Theories Regarding the Rise of 4 th -Century Monasticism II. “Types”or Models of Monasticism A. 3 Main Models 1. Anchoritic Monasticism 2. Itinerant Monasticism
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism A. Anthony of Egypt B. 3 Theories Regarding the Rise of 4 th -Century Monasticism II. “Types”or Models of Monasticism A. 3 Main Models 1. Anchoritic Monasticism 2. Itinerant Monasticism 3. Ceonobitic Monasticism
Sixth-Century Monastery in Palestine
Coptic Monastery of St. Bishoi, Wadi Natrun, Egypt (founded in 5th century; buildings from 9th century)
Monastery of St. Catherine at Mt. Sinai (founded by Emperor Justinian, 6th century)
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism A. Anthony of Egypt B. 3 Theories Regarding the Rise of 4 th -Century Monasticism II. “Types”or Models of Monasticism A. 3 Main Models 1. Anchoritic Monasticism 2. Itinerant Monasticism 3. Ceonobitic Monasticism III. Appeal of Monastic Life: Whom did it Attract?
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism A. Anthony of Egypt B. 3 Theories Regarding the Rise of 4 th -Century Monasticism II. “Types”or Models of Monasticism A. 3 Main Models 1. Anchoritic Monasticism 2. Itinerant Monasticism 3. Ceonobitic Monasticism III. Appeal of Monastic Life: Whom did it Attract? A. Christian Intellectuals
Asceticism & the Monastic Movement (Introducing the Men) I.The Rise of Christian Monasticism A. Anthony of Egypt B. 3 Theories Regarding the Rise of 4 th -Century Monasticism II. “Types”or Models of Monasticism A. 3 Main Models 1. Anchoritic Monasticism 2. Itinerant Monasticism 3. Ceonobitic Monasticism III. Appeal of Monastic Life: Whom did it Attract? A. Christian Intellectuals B. Women
Late antique funerary stele, Egypt Depicts female monastic named Rhodia in a traditional position of prayer