Fulfillment 02 Circulation Desks Printers Remote Storage
Agenda Circulation Desks Printers Remote Storage Circulation Desks Printers Remote Storage
Agenda Circulation Desks Library Location Circ Desk
Circulation Desks Check-out Check-in Reshelve Services per location
Circulation Desks Primary = transit material to other libraries in the institution, and receive material transited from other libraries Primary = transit material to other libraries in the institution, and receive material transited from other libraries
Circulation Desks
Printers based Can use 3 rd -party software for older printers Circ Desk Printer Hold slips Transit slips Loan receipts Return receipts Separate printer for: Payment receipts Pick slips
Remote Storage Lower fulfillment priority Supports integration with automated retrieval systems Fulfillment policies same as owning location
Remote Storage Main Library Pick from Shelf Check-out Check-in Reshelve
Remote Storage Main Library Pick from Shelf Check-out Check-in Reshelve
Remote Storage Main Library Pick from Shelf Check-out Check-in Reshelve
Remote Storage Main Library Pick from Shelf Check-out Check-in Reshelve
Remote Storage Reshelve Main Library Pick from Shelf Check-out Check-in
Remote Storage Reshelve Main Library Pick from Shelf Check-out Check-in Auto-Print
Remote Storage Check-out Check-in Reshelve Main Library Pick from Shelf
Remote Storage Check-out Check-in Reshelve Main Library Pick from Shelf Check-out Check-in
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