Date June 1, 2012 Time 8:30 am – 2:30 pm Place CREOL 102 University of Central Florida Orlando, FL Presentation Template for the workshop Manufacturing Innovation with NIAM Y OUR C OMPANY /I NSTITUTION N AME Y OUR P RESENTATION T ITLE Anticipated duration: Min.
Current Manufacturing Challenges and Needs Identification of the R&D field(s) e.g. Turbine Engineering Market perspectives, expected benefits etc. e.g. 80% material savings Additive Manufacturing technology identification e.g. SLM, FDM, ARCAM… Expected Institute’s contribution e.g. design, process development, test… …
Components, Parts and Materials Component NameMaterialRequirements (geometry, function etc.) Sample Image e.g. hip implante.g. titanium alloye.g. surface quality…
Contribution from the Company/Institution Perspective contributions, cash/in-kind/other… Existing facilities for testing, manufacturing etc… …