This is an example of Instructions sent last term. To get ready for today’s lesson 1.Save this file in your LEO folder. 2.Come into the online conference. Follow the link on the next slide. 3.Open your Australia PowerPoint. 4.We’ve made it to South Australia now. 5.When you get in the conference – say hello through the chat.
Conference link = Password = training
Your task for today… 1.You have started collecting pictures from places to visit in South Australia. 2.Make a postcard front. It should look exciting and have a few words. 3.Make a postcard back. a.Write a letter to your class. Pretend you are on holidays and write would you may have been doing. b.Include a postage stamp – top right c.Address the postcard to your class – bottom right. d.Include where the front picture/s is from.