WHOLE PT Wellness. Health. Opportunity. Lifestyle. Education
Program Description integrate a 2-part wellness program into an established outpatient orthopedic clinic
Online patient portal/App for smart phone -patient will have a personalized profile set up to explain their diagnosis, provide education, detailed HEP with pictures and videos included, questions/answers section, schedule, and appointment listings Education night/Exercise class/ patient in service -education/exercise night will consist of patient population specific and inspired services to promote health and wellness. A survery will be provided to gain feedback regarding what patients would like to see. A few examples: women in the weight room, story time in which patients have the ability to share their rehabilitation or wellness story, nutrition, arthritis education, children’s exercise, yoga, pilates night, etc. Partnerships will be developed in which guest lectures/exercise leaders will come provide their services. In addition, PTs may use existing knowledge or continuing education to establish courses for patients. -a rewards program will also be initiated with access on the patient portal or app in which patients can log with nutrition, fitness, PT related strides, and attendance to events in order to gain points toward prizes such as T-shirts, water bottles, free exercise classes, etc. -Education and exercise classes will come at an additional fee to patients depending on partnerships and schedules established within the program
To encourage and education in order to enhance quality of life through empowering our patients to embrace and embody their own wellness. Transforming the publics perception of health through comprehensive care, lifestyle balance, and wellness promotion inspiration, collaboration, balance, creativity, empathy
Goals 1.In one year, we will have 35% of the available population using the wellness program. 2.In one year, we will have 5 partnerships established and 12 events schedules on the calendar for biweekly education or exercise inspired sessions. 3.In two years, we will have 50% of our patients enrolled into the wellness program. 4.By the beginning of the second year of the program, there will be 24 events schedules with 10 established partnerships. 5.By the end of year 2, there will be a 90% retention rate and 80% satisfaction rate. 6.By the third year, there will be 75% enrollment into the wellness program. 7.By the end of the third year, a second wellness program will be established at a second clinic in the area.
-our outpatient orthopedic clinic current patients -recently discharged patients ( within 6 months) Target Market
Flyers D/C Info Packet Grand Re- opening Event Direct Selling /Mail Blast Promotional Plan
Owner/CEOVP of Finance VP of Operations PTs, PTAs, ATC, techs, dietician, PRN VP of Marketing Staffing Plan
Fixed Rent/Lease of Property Promotional Services Employee Salaries Semi-Variable Supplies for New Programs Utilities Variable Traveling Expenses for Visiting Instructors Promotional Services per event Visiting Instructor Salaries Additional Facility Cost Expenses
Schedule Monday-Thursday: 7am-7pm Friday: 7am-5pm Saturday: 8 am- 12 pm Closed Sunday **Ideally our special "wellness" classes would take place on Wednesday evenings (either 5-7 pm or 7-9 pm) and Saturday mornings.