Domains/Careers in the Psychology Field
Cognitive Explores internal mental processes Studies how people think, perceive, remember, and solve problems. – Teachers, educators and curriculum designers can benefit by learning more about how people process, learn, and remember information. – Engineers, scientists, artists, architects and designers can all benefit from understanding internal mental states and processes.
Clinical Some treat patients, some conduct research Treat psychological disorders, use psychotherapy – Offices, hospitals, clinics
Developmental Study human physical and mental growth from birth to death (majority focus on children) – Various settings
Counseling Deal with adjustment of common problems (such as marital issues, school difficulties, etc.) – Schools, workplace, etc.
Biological Study of the physiological basis of human behavior, thoughts, and emotions – Various
Educational Focus on how children learn in educational settings, best practices for teachers, etc. Commonly administer various tests, since counselors are typically present at school – Schools
Human Factors Human factors psychologists study behavior in the context of technology and apply the results to the design of tasks and equipment. The field strives to make it easier and safer for people to use machines such as cars, airplanes, and computers, and to improve home, work, and leisure environments. – Manufacturing companies
Social Focus on how people influence one another (prejudice, conformity, family conflicts) – Support groups, sensitivity training in the workplace, etc.
Psychometric Development & administration of tests that assess IQ, knowledge, abilities, aptitude, personality, etc. – Various
Experimental Conduct research on basic psychological processes (learning, memory, sensation, cognition, motivation, etc.) – Laboratories and universities
Personality Study trait differences between individuals (anxiety, social ability, self-esteem, aggressiveness, etc.) Much focus on the nature vs. nurture debate and also the best way to assess personality
Industrial-Organizational Selecting and training personnel, improving productivity and conditions in the workplace – Various, commonly in company offices or headquarters
Famous Figures in Psychology
Carl Rogers Founder of the Humanistic perspective Believed that humans are inherently good and their behaviors are meant to help them reach “self-actualization”
Ivan Pavlov Founder of Behavioral Therapy Known for experiments in classical conditioning
Jean Piaget Developed the 4 stages of cognitive development in children Sensorimotor stage Preoperational stage Concrete operational stage Formal operational stage
G. Stanley Hall Known for research of adolescents
Mary Whiton Calkins First female president of the APA (1918)
Dorothea Dix Worked for better treatment of mentally ill patients
Charles Darwin Associated with Evolutionary Perspective. “Survival of the Fittest” theory
William James Founder of Functionalist Theory Believed that mental processes help an organism adapt and thrive in given environment
Wilhelm Wundt “Father of Modern Psychology” Founded first psychological laboratory Started the first journal of Psychological research
Sigmund Freud Founder of Psychoanalytic Perspective Focused on unconscious thoughts to explain behavior and thoughts
Margaret Floy Washburn First American woman to receive a PhD in Psychology
B. F. Skinner Known for reinforcing behavior – known as “Operant Conditioning” Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Punishment
John B. Watson Founder of Behaviorism “Tabula Rasa” Theory (Blank Slate Theory) Believed that all thoughts & behavior are responses to previous experiences.
Perspectives in Psychology
Psychoanalytic Perspective Focuses on the unconscious as the explanation for beliefs and thoughts
Biological Perspective Behaviors and emotions stem from one’s physiological characteristics
Humanistic Perspective Humans are innately good. Our thoughts and behaviors are due to the fact that we strive to achieve “self actualization”. (Idea by Abraham Maslow…hierarchy of needs)
Socio Cultural Perspective We think and behave the way we do because of the culture that we live in
Evolutionary Perspective Our ancestors behaved in certain ways to ensure survival. We have adopted those thoughts and behaviors as well.
Cognitive Perspective Focuses on the way that we interpret a situation. We can control our thoughts and behaviors by changing how we think about a situation.
Behavioral Perspective Our thoughts and behaviors are the result of conditioning. (Reinforcement leading us to repeat thoughts and behaviors)
Also, earlier Perspectives in Psychology (in notes)