Blood Borne Pathogens What you need to know to stay safe
Where do diseases come from?
If someone is sick, don’t share food or drinks with them.
Washing your hands can help keep you healthy!
Diseases Are Spread By Germs Too Small To See Bacteria Strep Throat Pink Eye Ear Infection We can go to the doctor and get some medicine and we get better. Tiny, One Celled. They are on the ground, in the air, on the water, and on us.
Virus Smaller than Bacteria Made of life-like material (but not alive) Attack the body’s cells to make more copies of itself There is no cure for a virus. –No medicine can get rid of a virus.
Your Disease-Fighting Army Our Immune System is that part of our blood that kicks in and fights the battle to get rid of diseases when we get sick.
Has anyone here heard that viruses carried in blood or other body fluids can make us really sick?
Today we will be talking about sicknesses that can be carried in blood and other body fluids: “Blood-Borne Pathogens” Blood-Borne = Carried in the blood Pathogens = Something that makes us sick
Here are some examples of viruses carried in the blood: Hepatitis B Hepatitis C and HIV can make people very sick
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
The HIV virus harms our Immune System If our immune system can’t fight off diseases anymore, people can develop AIDS
What AIDS Means The letters A-I-D-S stand for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Here is what these words mean. A cquired –gotten I mmune – protected from disease D eficiency—a lack of something S yndrome—a group of symptoms or signs of a disease
Blood-Borne Pathogens, like HIV or Hepatitis B or C, are very hard to get. You cannot “catch” them like you can a cold or the chicken pox. You cannot catch AIDS by doing everyday things like going to school or shopping.
Don’t touch anyone’s blood or other bodily fluids... For Example… Vomit, Diarrhea, Mucus, Urine
You CANNOT get Blood Borne Pathogens from: Coughs or SneezesUsing the drinking fountain
You cannot get Blood Borne Pathogens from sitting next to someone in school.
You cannot get Blood Borne Pathogens from visiting or living with someone who has a Blood Borne Pathogen, such as AIDS.
You CANNOT get Blood Borne Pathogens from: Using the bathroom Playing on the playground Giving someone a hug
You CANNOT get HIV/AIDS from mosquitoes, or other bug bites. The HIV virus can’t live inside a bug, so the bug can’t give it to you!
People don’t get Blood Borne Pathogens from clean needles like the one your doctor uses when giving you a shot.
Usually do NOT affect children. They can only be spread by direct exchange of blood and other bodily fluids. It is your responsibility to keep yourself safe. IT’S UP TO YOU!
The best way to protect yourself against Blood Borne Pathogens is: Don’t touch anyone’s bloody sore or bloody nose Don’t do drugs Don’t pick up needles on the playground – if you find a needle, talk to an adult.
Doctors and scientists all over the world are working hard to find a way to stop people from getting Blood Borne Pathogens, and to cure those who have them.
Remember… Blood Borne Pathogens are hard to get. It’s ok to be friends with someone who has a Blood Borne Pathogen, such as Hepatitis B or C or HIV/AIDS. Remember to treat others as you would like to be treated.
It doesn’t matter who they are or where they live – no one is immune to Blood Borne Pathogens. Many different types of people have Blood Borne Pathogens, including male and female, rich and poor, single and married, and people from every country around the world.
Remember – Blood Borne Pathogens are not easy to get. If you have questions, please talk to a trusted adult (a parent/guardian, family members, doctors, school nurses, teachers, etc.)
Do you have any questions?
T/F: People can give each other diseases. T/F: Blood Borne Diseases can be caused by viruses.
T/F: Your body’s immune system can protect you from many infections. T/F: AIDS, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C can be cured.
T/F: Children who attend school with someone who has a Blood-Borne disease can catch the disease by sitting next to them. T/F: Our immune system helps us fight diseases.
T/F: Most Blood-Borne diseases are easyto catch. T/F: AIDS is easy to catch. T/F: You can pick up a needle on the playground, if you are very, very careful.