Weight Control. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)- measure of the rate at which a person’s body “burns” energy in the form of calories while at rest. Slower.


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Presentation transcript:

Weight Control

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)- measure of the rate at which a person’s body “burns” energy in the form of calories while at rest. Slower BMR could lead to weight gain, faster could lead to maintaining or losing weight. Factors that influence BMR: Genetics, more muscle mass, and activity level Body Mass Index (BMI)- number calculated from a person’s weight and height. Provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems Metabolism- our bodies get the energy they need from food through chemical reactions that convert the fuel from food into the energy needed to do everything from moving, to thinking, to growing Calories (kilocalories) – a unit to measure energy in food and the energy your body burns. Body uses calories 24 hrs. /day even while you sleep- BMR Calories are not nutrients Protein – 4 cal/gCarbohydrate 4 cal/gFat 9 cal/g

What is your BMR? 1. Calculate your resting metabolic rate (RMR) WomenMen Weight in pounds x 4.3 = AWeight in pounds x 6.2 = A Height in inches x 4.3 = BHeight in inches x 12.7 = B A + B = CA + B + 65 = C Your age x 4.7 = DYour Age x 6.8 = D C-D = RMR 2. Determine your activity level Activity level 1.2 = Couch potato 1.4 = Average 1.8 = Athlete 3. Calculate your BMR RMR x Activity level = number of calories

How many calories do you need? Depends on: Recommended calorie intake for your age group year olds SedentaryModerately ActiveActive Females1,8002,0002,400 Males2,2002,400-2,8002,800-3,200 Sedentary- typical day to day life activities Moderately active miles of activity per day plus day to day things Active- 3 miles plus of activity per day plus day to day things

Keeping a healthy weight is an issue of energy balance Calories in = Calories out –to maintain weight Calories in < Calories out –to lose weight Calories in > Calories out –to gain weight

Each pound of body fat = _______ You gain or lose by tipping the balance. To lose 1 pound/week consume 500 calories less each day or increase activity level. 500 cal/day x 7 days = 3500 cal = 1 lb. Of body fat. Overweight- weighing more than 10% over the standard weight for height

Obesity Obesity – excess body fat 20% over the standard weight for height Problems associated with obesity *Strains the body frame *Increases the work load on heart and lungs *Higher risk of health problems *Hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, some cancers, Stroke, Osteoarthritis, Sleep Apnea, Gallbladder disease, Gout

Why do people gain weight? Sedentary lifestyle Poor eating habits Hereditary small role

Underweight (10% below normal weight.) Problems associated with being underweight *little fat for energy reserves *less protective nutrients the body stores *harder to fight off infection *increase risk of health problems when surgery is needed *may be undernourished *greater chance for iron-deficiency, anemia, and osteoporosis

Apple vs. Pear shape bodies *Apple shape- you have excess abdominal fat which can increase a persons chance of heart disease and diabetes *Pear shaped weight is in hips and thighs Desirable % of body fat 11-18% for males, 16-23% for females

Dietary Guidelines for Americans Diet- everything a person eats and drinks Not a restrictive eating plan 1-2 lb. Weight loss/week is healthy 1-2 lb. Weight gain/week is healthy

Maintain your healthy weight- Learn your healthy weight range and stay within it. Drink eight glasses of water a day, because it helps all your body’s systems and maintains your energy at a good level Eat a variety of foods good for you- Try to stay away from empty calorie foods (foods with little to no nutrients but high in calories) Eat more whole grains- they promote health Eat more fruits and vegetables- the nutrients and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help to protect you against many crippling disease and promote good health Reduce your saturated fats and cholesterol- too much can be detrimental to your health. Eat more fish and poultry and drink reduced fat milk

Increase your use of vegetable oils and plant oils- these contain the “good” fat Avoid heavy use of salt and sugar-read your labels to learn about hidden salt and sugar For your snacks, eat fruits and nuts- choose nutrients over fat. Avoid sugar, salt, preservatives and hydrogenated fats and oils Be physically active every day- any activity is better than no acitivity Moderate your portion sizes- follow the food pyramid guidelines for proper portion sizes

Steps to smart weight control plan *Target your weight- healthy range, make commitment *Smart goals 1-2 lbs/week *Personal plan for lifestyle change- diet & exercise * Realistic goals & plan in writing *Keep diary of what eat- avoid skipping meals *Evaluate progress – clothes, weight, once a week same time day *Know plateaus are normal *Get support from others *Learn to enjoy healthier foods

Weight Gain Strategies *increase complex carbs, breads, pastas, rice, beans, veggies, possibly more protein *eat more frequently *eat nutritious snacks

Weight cycling- –“yoyo dieting” may be more unhealthy, lean body tissue lost is replaced with body fat, body fat burns fewer calories than muscles, person requires fewer and fewer calories, weight loss gets harder and harder

Fad Dieting –*extreme hard to stick to –*quick results without offering adequate nutrition –*some dangerous –*others costly –*do not usually result in long-term loss, initial loss water not body fat Fasting-health growth energy with out protein body uses own muscle for energy Liquid Diets- if only source lacking essential nutrients Diet Pills- drowsiness, anxiety, addictive, do not result in permanent weight loss

Food for Sports –Best training diet is balanced, moderate and varied –Increase in fluids- to prevent dehydration *drink several cups of water 2 hours before event *try to drink during recommended cup every 15 min. *after drink 2 cups for every lb. Lost –Before big event *3-4 hours before allows stomach to empty *high carbs-pasta, rice, breads, veggies, fruits (carbs are stored as glycogen which gives the body energy) *low-fat & protein- stay in digestive tract too long -Extra protein doesn’t build muscle mass- working out does -Extra protein will cause kidney damage -Drink plenty of water when drinking power shakes