Deep Space and Solar System New Test/New Quiz
Universe Biggest Oldest Galaxy Milky Way Solar System Star Sun PlanetMoon Smallest Youngest
The Universe is Everything: all space, matter, and energy that is in existence. More than 10 billion years old
Distances in space The speed of light is used for measurements of distances in the universe One light year is how far light travels in one year (based on distance NOT time) We see all night stars as they were when the light we see left each star
The Milky Way and other Galaxies Our solar system is located on a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy The Sun is one of Billions of stars orbiting within the Milky Way Galaxy
Origin of the universe and solar system: Big Bang Theory The universe was created from an explosion that took place 10 – 20 billion years ago The universe started out with all its matter in a small volume and then expanded outward in all directions
“Spect” words The spectrum is the band of colors that composes of white light, in the order of the rainbow (from Long to short wavelength)
A spectroscope is a scientific instrument that breaks up the light from a star into its component colors in order to identify which elements are present in that star A spectral line is a bright or dark line found in the spectrum of some radiant sources A dark line spectrum from a star – Is like a fingerprint or a bar code – Gives information about composition, temperature, and motion of a celestial object
Evidence of the Big Bang Theory Comic background radiation – Sensitive radio receivers pick up radiation from all directions – This is the “noise” of the explosive birth of the universe
Doppler Effect Red Shift is a shift in wavelength of a spectrum line away from its normal wavelength If the source is moving away from the observer, there is a red shift toward longer wavelengths
Blue Shift is a shift in wavelength of a spectrum line toward its normal wavelength If the source is moving toward the observer, there is a blue shift toward shorter wavelengths Why do we think the universe is expanding? Light reaching us from distant galaxies has a lower frequency then expected Therefore, the universe is expanding
Stars form when Gravity causes clouds of molecules to contract until NUCLEAR FUSION “Lighter elements” to “Heavier” ones HHH = hydrogen He = Helium He Fusion releases great amounts of energy of millions of years
The Stars Differ from each other in size, temperature, & age Our Sun is a medium size star
Life cycle of a star NebulaProtostarMain Sequence 90% of all stars (SUN) High Mass stars Low Mass stars Super Giants Super Nova Black Hole (Red) Giants White Dwarf Black Dwarf Neutron star