QUESTION OF THE DAY What are the major religions of the world and what do you know about each one? (for the purposes of this class there are 7) YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO DISCUSS THIS WITH THE PERSON NEXT TO YOU.
Origins of World Belief Systems Religion has always shaped the way people live their lives. It has built and destroyed countries and empires. It provides answers to those universal questions: Where did we come from? What happens when we die? Where did the universe come from? For the purposes of unit one (8000 BCE – 400 CE) we will look at 7 world religions and their impacts: 1. Polytheism 2. Hinduism 3. Buddhism 4. Confucianism 5. Daoism 6. Judaism 7. Christianity
Polytheism 8000 BCE – 600 CE Nomadic and early agricultural people held the belief of many Gods and Goddesses River valley civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Indus valley) and early Americans Greek and Roman gods are where we get the planets names, days of the week, and months of the year. Animism – belief that gods inhabited natural features (Africa and the Pacific Islands)
Hinduism Came to India from Aryan invaders NO SINGLE FOUNDER Took the polytheistic gods of nature from the Brahmins Everything is part of a divine essence called BRAHMA VISHNU – the preserver SHIVA – The destroyer Reincarnation – soul enters another human or animal after death KARMA – life is judged based on good and evil deeds Die with good Karma and you are reincarnated in a higher caste Live a number of good lives and achieve MOSHKA or unification Reinforced the CASTE SYSTEM DARHMA – moral law that serves as a guide in this world Cattle is sacred
Buddhism Founded by an Indian prince, GUATAMA, in 563 BCE. Troubled by the problems of the world he spent 6 years meditating and fasting Suffering was the consequence of human desire Traveled and became known as the BUDDHA – “enlightened One” Stresses self control and = treatment of all people Reincarnation leads to NIRVANA or union with divine essence Spread along the Han Dynasty Silk Roads BODHISATTVAS – through meditation ordinary people could reach nirvana.
Confucianism Founded after the fall of the Zhou Dynasty in China to establish order during the ERA OF WARRING STATES Started by Kung Fu-Tse = Confucius ( BCE) Filial Piety – respect for patriarchal family Government stability depended on well educated officials Confucius's sayings compiled into the ANALECTS and served to educate the Chinese government Became the basic tradition defining Chinese culture
“Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.” “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” “Study the past if you would define the future. “
Daoism Arose at the same time as Confucius Founded by Lao-Tsu Stresses a balance in nature (THE YIN AND THE YANG) YIN – Male, Assertive YANG – Female, submissive Follow “The Way” – life force existing in nature Political involvement and education is unnecessary the balance in nature will solve all problems
Judaism First religion to develop the concept of MONOTHEISM Traced to ABRAHAM in 2000 BCE Migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan His descendants migrated to Egypt Remained as slaves in Egypt for 430 years Leaving Egypt is marked by MOSES giving the 10 Commandments Returned to Canaan (Israel) and established a THEOCRACY or government ruled by religious leaders Covennnant or agreement between god and Abraham – YAWEH would be God and the Jews his people This became the basis of the TORAH (Hebrew scriptures) Established the Kingdom of ISRAEL under KING SAUL where Jerusalem was the Capitol.
Judaism cont… Israel was weakened under SOLOMON and split into 2 kingdoms in 722 BCE The Assyrians took over the North Southern kingdom lasted until 586 BCE when it was conquered by the Chaldeans Roman Empire controlled Israel and named it Judea in 63 BCE In 132 BCE the Jews rebelled against the Romans and spread throughout the empire, known as DIASPORA Believed that God would send a MESSIAH or savior for their sins and many Jews saw Jesus as this in 4 BCE
Christianity Jesus was born in Judea between 4 – 6 BCE As an adult he and his 12 DISCIPLES went throughout Rome preaching forgiveness Teachings were feared as a threat to Rome and he was put to death by crucifixion Roman roads and Pax Romana helped spread Christianity Paul of Tarsus – most successful missionary in 100 CE Roman Emperors saw Christianity as a threat to their polytheistic religion EDICT OF MILAN – Emperor Constantine permitted Christianity 381 Emperor Theodosius makes Christianity the official religion of Rome Became organized under the bishop of Rome or the POPE Gained popularity because it appealed to all social classes even the extremely poor.
Atlas Assignment TITLE = World Religions (8000 BCE – 400 CE) Show origination point and year with a symbol for that religion Show a symbol for the founder, if there is one Shade the predominant area Any other symbols in the key? 30 points