School Self-Evaluation Maria Lorigan Senior Inspector Department of Education and Skills Network of School Planners, Ireland 2 March 2013
Objectives: Definition of SSE Focus of SSE DES requirements Teaching and Learning Framework Six step process Role of subject departments Supports for SSE
What is school self-evaluation? SSE is a way of systematically looking at how we teach and how our students learn and making decisions about what we want to improve Because We want to make learning better for students We want to make teaching more rewarding Schools are best placed to examine their own practice and to tell their own story
We are focusing on teaching and learning… Because… –Teaching and learning is the core work of school –All teachers want to improve learning for students
SSE Requirements Circular 0040/2012 “Over a four-year period from 2012, all post-primary schools should engage in school self-evaluation and produce three- year improvement plans for numeracy, literacy and one aspect of teaching and learning across all subjects and programmes”
SSE Process Getting started Start small – a limited aspect of teaching and learning In first four years: literacy, numeracy and one other area Ask simple questions –How well are we doing? –How do we know? What evidence do we have? –How can we find out more? –What are our strengths/areas for development? –How can we improve? Build on what you know….
SSE framework: Teaching and Learning Theme Sub-themes
Role of Subject Departments Each year: Each subject department engages in self- evaluation of the subject with a specific focus on the aspect selected (i.e.literacy/numeracy/one other) The school completes a SSER and a SIP Each subject department implements the strategies outlined in the school improvement plan
–School self-evaluation works –Start small and keep it simple –Involve all teachers –Include the voice of students (and parents where relevant) –Only gather relevant information –Agree strategies and actions for improvement –Implement and monitor –Celebrate success SSE as part of normal and ongoing practice in the school Key messages
SSE Support Support for SSE Publications Website PDST seminars for principal Internal collaboration – use experience and expertise in own school Professional networks
Important resources DEIS planning tools – Literacy and numeracy worksheets – Literacy and numeracy materials – Circular 0056/ Formal assessment instruments (including tests) approved for use in post–primary schools SUPPORTING SSE IN THE SCHOOL
Contact: School Improvement and Quality Unit Department of Education and Skills