6 th Hour Come in. Sit down in your assigned seat. Get out warm up sheet. Wait quietly for Mrs. Finn to start class. Reminder of the Daily Expectations All other expectations to be met as well, per your signed class contract.
Español 2 lunes el 26 de octubre Daily Warm Up (pick up a new sheet) – Complete & share out answers Sr. Bean activity (cont.) – Watch again to finalize detailed activities list. – List the verb infinitives in Spanish for his activities next to your notes (on the front side) Tarea/HW: -Make sure bring your daily routine paragraph tomorrow. -Study the Reflexive Verb Notes & Charts. *Reflexive Verbs Conjugation Test Thursday 10/29* Pic. Cards Needed
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: lunes el 26 de octubre Vamos a practicar con reflexivos workhseet pon tus respuestas en el hoja del ejercicio (put your answers on the worksheet) *Staple the worksheet to the HW log side of the warm up.
Daily Expectations I am expected to: 1.Come in and sit in my seat before the tardy bell rings. 2.Have my warm up sheet out and ready to go. 3.Remain in my seat at all times until the end bell rings. 4.Not to talk while Mrs. Finn or others are addressing the class. 5.Not to talk, but rather listen during notes, movies or videos. 6.To work QUIETLY on my work during class work time. 7.Turn my phone off and have it out of sight all hour (red zone). Consequences for not following expectations & disruptions will be: 1.A phone call home and after/before school detention served with Mrs. Finn. 2.Referral and possible ISS (in school suspension).
Español 2 martes el 27 de octubre Daily Warm-Up Finish Sr. Bean activities – Create a list of activities (As a class) – Create a set of sentences about what he does. You should have at least 10 (using 7.1 vocab terms) & they are due tomorrow, so it’s HW if you don’t finish. Tarea/HW: *Finish your 10 Sr. Bean sentences for Wednesday. -Fix & finalize your final daily routine paragraph.(due 10/29) -Study the Reflexive Verb Notes & Charts. *Reflexive Verbs Conjugation Test Thursday 10/29* ¡Saca tu libro! (get your book!)
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: martes el 27 de octubre Peer Share/Edit of paragraph -Share your daily routine paragraph with your partner. -Edit/make suggestions & corrections to each other’s paragraph. -Fix and Re-write neatly a final copy to turn in to me. *Final draft due to me on Thursday (el jueves 10/29) before the test*
Español 2 miércoles el 28 de octubre Daily Warm-Up Reflexive pronouns w/infinitive verbs – Pg. 240 in textbook (read Using Infinitives on your own) – Add some helpful phrases to vocab sheet White board practice for test Tarea/HW: -Fix & finalize your final daily routine paragraph.(due tomorrow) -Study the vocab, Reflexive Verb Notes & Charts. *Reflexive Verbs Conjugation Test tomorrow 10/29* Necesitas tu libro Turn in Sr.Bean Sentences
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: miércoles el 28 de octubre worksheet-reflexive verbs Complete worksheet & staple to your warm up sheet. *When done, read Using Infinitives on pg. 240
Español 2 jueves el 29 de octubre Daily Warm-Up Exam/Test: Verbos Reflexivos Define the 7.2 vocab terms Tarea/HW: -Finish definitions (if not done) -study the new vocab 7.2 (quiz in 1 week) Necesitas tu libro
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: jueves el 29 de octubre Write out the following question and your answer: 1.What did you do to prepare for today’s test? How did you study? *Now clear off your desk and put all of your things under your desk.
¡Examen Ahora! NO TALKING while people are testing. When you finish work silently on defining the 7.2 Vocabulary definitions. When finished with 7.2 vocab., you can work on something else quietly or see me for a crossword puzzle. el 29 de octubre Grab a new 7.2 vocab sheet when you turn in your test.
Tu rutina diaria ¿Qué haces para prepararte? Write a short Spanish paragraph explaining your daily routine (everything you do to get ready). -Use reflexive verbs from our vocabulary list. -Start with waking up, end with going to bed. -Use transitions (first, then, next, before, after). -Be sure all your verbs are conjugated in the “yo form” and use the proper reflexive pronoun.
Español 2 viernes el 30 de octubre Daily Warm-Up (and turn in) El Cuaderno de Cultura/Cultural Notebook – El Mapa: Latin American map assignment – You will need your assigned textbook Tarea/HW: -study your new 7.2 vocab (quiz by next Thurs.) ½ day 4 th -6th Necesita tu cuaderno de cultura
Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: viernes el 30 de octubre Write the question and answer (guess if you aren’t sure). 1.Do all country’s in Central & South America speak Spanish as their native language? Y or N
Preguntas del mapa *These go on the left side of your notebook. Write the Q & A.* 1.Mexico is part of which continent? 2.How many “Spanish speaking” countries are there in Central America? (see your map) 3.How many “Spanish speaking” countries are there in South America? (see your map) 4.Name a few countries in Central & South America which are NOT Spanish speaking countries.
El Cuerpo (Body Project) Work alone or in a group of 2 (max) – Working alone (8x11 size minimum) – Working in pairs (larger size such as poster paper) Create a creative organism with body parts: – Must have at least 10 different body parts labeled in Spanish (or more). – Must be neatly hand drawn & colored. – Must have proper spelling, accent marks and articles included (el, la, los, las). Due Friday !