Seasons in the Woods
How do animals survive the winter?
Many animals in cold climates have evolved to… … to survive the changing weather and habitat. adapt migrate or hibernate Ptarmigan Hoary bat American black bear
Some animals such as the ptarmigan, change color to help escape detection from predators when the ground is covered with snow. SummerAutumnWinter Adaptation
Some animals are able to find food during the winter and therefore remain in the woods all year round. White-tailed deer Bobcat Wild turkey Stay year round:
Some animals hibernate as food during the winter months is very scarce. Belding’s ground squirrel Leopard frog Ornate box turtle Hibernation
Some species leave the woods and travel to warmer climates. Hoary bat Canada goose Sandhill crane Migration
Let’s investigate animals that live in Wisconsin’s Northwoods, USA. The winters there are extremely cold and very little food is available. In this activity, you will color a table to show which animals are active in Wisconsin’s Northwoods all year round, which animals migrate, and which hibernate. Activity