India Under British Rule Chapter 8 Section 4 Natalie Walden, Caroline Buck, Mackenzie Hornibrook, Annabeth Donovan, Hannah Nam
Basic Information
Early Trade European powers begin trading with Asia Missionaries arrive with merchants British set up East India Company o build trading posts/forts
Struggle for Power Europeans have little to offer Mughal rulers look down on Mughal empire declining Empire splits into small kingdoms France/Britain compete for control over kingdoms 1760's British forces overcome France
East India Company Rule Robert Clive - Administrator of East India Company o Bengal - appointed leaders who favor East India Company Indian rulers fought to keep British out Collected taxes, set up law code, created court system Took over more land Acted as a government rather than a privately owned company
British Rule in India British Parliament passed laws to regulate affairs British rule angered Indians; way of life changed o ritual suicide outlawed o high taxes o Christian missionaries Sepoy Rebellion (Delhi) o sepoys: Indian troops who served in British army o Cartridges for rifles greased with beef/pork fat Cow sacred to Hindus, Muslims forbidden to touch pork offended; uprising Hindus required to fight overseas for Britain- Caste threatened o British successfully put down uprising
British Rule in India cont. A British Colony o rebellion led to changes India= British colony Queen Victoria (Britain)--> Empress of India (1876) direct rule Hindu and Muslim princes governed only 1/3 forced to sign treaties Reformed law codes; controlled court systems Britian had lasting distrust of India Indian soldiers not used set up own civil service to rule colony new class of British educated Indians
Effects of British Rule Economic and Social Changes o Modern transportation/communication Improved roads and modernized ports Built railroads and telegraph systems Increase trade and control New Economic Patterns o Industrial Revolution in Britain Destroyed traditional Indian Economy India economically tied to Britain India= market for British goods British discouraged/outlawed local Indian industries Indian farmers grew cash crops to pay for British goods grew less food; famines frequent and widespread
Effects of British Rule cont. Social Changes o Improved healthcare and sanitary conditions= population growth o Urbanization o Education for higher caste Indians British ethnocentrism stressed English language and culture Educated Middle class emerged increased bilingual communication awareness of own cultural traditions increased resentment against foreign rule growth of nationalism
Indian Nationalism Strong among British-educated elite o Some want to modernize o Disagreements Hindu traditions o Blend Hindu and Western cultures Indian National Congress o Greater rights for Hindus under British o Mohandas Gandhi took over after WWI Muslim League o Muhammad Ali Jinnah o Protect interest of Islamic Indians o Muslims/Hindus split
Advanced Information
British East India Company: In Detail (Marshall) Company began monopoly of trade o 1600-royal grant o 3,000 shareholders o ships sent per year o 24 directors-ran headquarters o Main settlements in Bombay, Mandras, Calcutta Most cotton available o Settlements from factories to commercial towns Became involved with politics o Sophisticated Indian economy in place o 1750s- British intervened Conidtions changing-empire in decline Agressive ambitions Personal rewards-Robert Clive
British East India: In Detail (cont.) (Lesson 6: British Attitudes Towards India) Enforced system that yielded rewards o Collected taxes o Maintained armies o Financed trade Some men supported Indians o Warren Hastings Ruled Bengal ( ) Indian constitution well adapted By end of century...most throught needed to be "improved" o Laws should be codified o Education remodelled o Asian religions challenged by Christianity Commitment to governing Indian ways changing
Britain's Early Actions in India ("World History") East India Company gains control o little British interference o army of sepoys India= "jewel in the crown"- Britain's most important colony o Industrial Revolution- Britain in need of supplies o India- raw resources o Indian economy controlled buy goods, local markets vanished British built railroads o transferred trading goods o International events helped Crimean War-- Russia/Scotland, increased jute trade from Bengal Civil War in U.S., supply of cotton cut for Britain, cotton production increased
The Sepoy Rebellion (1857) Causes o Christianity o ineffectual command of army in Bengal (BBC) o "Europeanization" o sepoy objections to serving outside o animal grease cartridges Began spring 1857 in Bengal among Sepoys (BBC) 45,000 British soldiers await Began Meerut on May 10 April 23, 1857 troops refuse new cartridges o jailed and degraded o other sepoys break open jail, kill officers Uprising Lucknow Garrison Cawnpore Massacre (BBC)
Bal Gangadhar Tilak ("Bal Gangadhar Tilak") one of the founders of India's independence movement founded Indian Home Rule League and worked within Indian National Congress Background Info o July 23, 1856 in Ratnagiri, India o Brahmin family o University degree o taught mathematics at school in Pune o ran 2 weekly newspapers criticized British rule in India and moderate branch of independence movement
Bal Gangadhar Tilak (cont.) British partition of Africa o Pune = important center of nationalist awakening o Tilak ordered boycott of British goods; passive resistance Arrested o charged with sedition and inciting terrorism 6 years wrote Bhagawadgia-Rahasaya