Discussion When you hear the word “addiction”, what do you think of? What kinds of things can humans be addicted to? Can addiction be a good thing? Why or why not? Do you think you have any addictions? What will happen if you try to stop?
Pre-Reading Skills Check background knowledge Predict what you are going to read about
Pre-Reading Skills After predicting, read your questions before looking at the reading. 1. Gist: main idea (use titles, subtitles, first paragraph) 2. Detail: read all the choices and look for key words 3. Main idea: (look for topic sentences) 4. Inference/Paraphrase: not directly stated – use overall idea 5. Vocabulary/Reference: read entire sentence with key word
Vocabulary in Context Go back and read more completely to determine vocabulary words Check with a partner
Unit 7A Vocabulary awake- adj. alert, paying attention, focused dependence- n. the act of depending on or needing something exhibit- v. to show, portray fluctuate- v. to change, move, go back and forth severe- adj. painful, dangerous
Unit 7A furthermore – adv. (transition word) also, and, in addition to contradict- v. the opposite, on the contrary facilitate- v. helps, makes easier temporary- adj. lasting just a short time abuse- v. to use or treat in a negative, bad way
Unit 7B Vocabulary utilize- v. to use in an efficient way guarantee- v. to give certainty disposal- n. trash, garbage steep- adj. unnecessarily large, exorbitant (price); having a sharp vertical incline (hill/graph) capacity- n. the maximum amount or number that can be received or contained
Unit 7B equivalent- n. the equal amount advocates- n. people that want to help or support finite- adj. having limits, measurable substitute- n. a person or thing acting in the place of another decline- v. decreased, went down
Homework: Reading Journal #7 Type one paragraph (4-5 sentences) on the following topic: -- due 11/5 before class (Wednesday) Is it okay for everyone to use caffeine, a drug, to improve their performance? Think about students, athletes, professionals, children, adults – everyone. Why or why not? Support your idea with at least one example from the real world – you may need to look something up! Bonus: If you correctly use a citation in your paragraph, I will give you some extra points! Remember! You should use at least 3 new vocabulary words (from Unit A or Unit B) in your responses. Please underline these words in your response so you can make sure you included them.