CM 220 College Composition II Unit 6: A Blueprint for Progress: Putting the Pieces Together Teresa Kelly General Education, Composition Kaplan University 1
Unit 6 Reading ReadingWhere to find The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing, ch. 6 (pp ) Doc Sharing The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing, ch. 14 (pp ) Doc Sharing KU Writing Center resources on paragraph development and graphic organizers Links in reading and “Extra, Extra!” tab Unit 6 overviewClick on “Reading” icon on unit home page 2
Unit 6 Invention and Tech Labs Invention Lab: Strategies for defeating writer’s block and prewriting for draft Tech lab: Prezi (animated presentations), Photoshop and Gimp (graphic design) 3
Unit 6 Draft: The Blueprint for Progress Purpose: Pull together all the pieces of your research, pre-writing, and organizational techniques into a coherent academic essay. While this draft will not be perfect or complete, it is not “rough,” either. Do edit and proofread! Be sure to format and cite according to APA guidelines. Consider submitting to the Writing Center for additional feedback. 4
Draft Guidelines: Content and Research Includes introductory paragraph with thesis statement and concluding paragraph. Note: Introduction and conclusion will be revised and expanded as part of the unit 8 Invention Lab. Supports main points effectively and clearly. Uses research, evidence, and examples to support assertions. Skillfully refutes counter-arguments without ignoring data that contradicts the student’s thesis. Refers to at least 3 secondary sources in the body of the paper and on the references page. One should be from the Kaplan Library. 5
Draft Guidelines: Organization, Style, “Correctness” Paragraphs are well-developed, coherent, and logically organized. Style is appropriate for academic writing. Style is clear and concise. Project is free of serious errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Follows accepted conventions of Standard American English. Follows APA guidelines for the document layout and citations (including title page, in text citations, and References page). Meets 3-5 page length requirement; this does not include the title and references page. 6
What causes it? Anxiety and stress Fear of others’ opinions Difficulties with research Too close to topic 8
How to defeat it? Know your topic—be prepared. Don’t strive for perfection—this is a draft! Don’t edit and proofread while writing. Don’t stress over the introduction—come back to it later. Be confident! Just do it (Stokes, 2008) 9
Getting Started with Your Big Idea At the end of this unit, you will submit a 3- 5 page draft of your Big Idea. What can you do to GET STARTED? 11
Common Prewriting Techniques Freewriting Brainstorming Bubbling Clustering See ch. 6 of The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing for more on the writing process. Listing Informal outlining Annotating Questioning 12
Bubbling Chart: Food Additives 13 Food additives—are they dangerous? Decreasing nutritional value of food? Compare ingredients and nutritional value Health risks?Cancer Rising obesity rates Impact on brain development? Neurological disorders (Parkinsons, Alzheimers, ADD ) Changing what we grow and how we grow it? Farmers growing more corn, soybeans (used in many of the additives like HFCS)
Listing Chart: Banning Cigarettes Main pointsSupport from sources? Audience concerns to address Examples I could use Cigarettes are bad for everyone’s health, smokers and non-smokers alike Surgeon General (warnings), medical reports on second- hand and third- hand smoke effects Should the government outlaw everything that is bad for us (fast food, etc.?) Childhood asthma and allergies, even ear infections, often tied into parents’ smoking Those horrible pictures they showed in elementary school of black lungs of smokers! 14
Organizing and Developing Your Ideas Establish a thesis Consider writing an outline (it can be changed later) Take the ideas in the outline and brainstorm each concept/argument Begin researching and incorporating evidence to support your argument/claims 15
Strong Paragraphs Are limited and focused Are unified and coherent Are clearly related to the thesis Are well developed Include a clear topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a clear conclusion Include examples/illustrations and evidence to support claims 17
What is Wrong with This Paragraph? Club Palm Resort's beaches are beautiful, and the surrounding countryside is quite scenic. The quality of the food leaves a lot to be desired. Many vacationers enjoy the variety of outdoor activities and the instruction available in such sports as sailing and scuba diving. Unfortunately, security is poor; several vacationers' rooms have been broken into and their valuables stolen. Christmas in the Bahamas can make the thought of New Year's in Chicago bearable. 18
Checklist for Effective Paragraphing What is the point of the paragraph? Does the topic sentence express that point clearly? Is my topic sentence tied to my thesis? What do I want my readers to understand after completing the paragraph? Do all of the sentences in the paragraph support that topic sentence? 19
Checklist for Effective Paragraphing Is the paragraph organized logically and have effective transitions from one sentence to the next? Is the paragraph developed enough? (aim for 5-7 sentences) Do I need to add or remove anything? Does the paragraph flow logically from the previous paragraph and into the following one? (Clements, 201 0, p. 180) 20
More Help with Paragraphs For a helpful Writing Center workshop on this topic, review: alse&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal 21
How Could This Paragraph be Developed? We should provide more financial support for 9/11 First Responders. Many are currently in poor health or dying from complications resulting from exposure to toxins at Ground Zero. It is unfair for them to suffer and die without adequate support from the government. What would YOU do to make this paragraph stronger? 22
How Do I Develop Paragraphs? Use examples and illustrations Cite data (facts, statistics, evidence, details, and others) Testimony from experts (interviews, quotes, paraphrases) Use an anecdote or story Define terms in the paragraph Compare and contrast Evaluate causes and reasons Examine effects and consequences Analyze the topic Describe the topic Offer a chronology of an event (“On Paragraphs,” 2010). 23
Using Transitions Show relationship between ideas Demonstrate that thoughts are logical and progressive, rather than random and accidental Provide unity and coherence Provide smooth “flow” within and between paragraphs 24
Some Example Transitions To indicate time order To provide an example To indicate results In the pastFor exampleAs a result earlierFor instanceconsequently beforeTo illustrateBecause of currentlyspecificallySince precedingIn particulartherefore presentlynamelyFor this reason 25
A More Complete List LOGICAL RELATIONSHIPTRANSITIONAL EXPRESSION Similarityalso, in the same way, just as... so too, likewise, similarly Exception/contrastbut, however, in spite of, on the one hand... on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, in contrast, on the contrary, still, yet Sequence/orderfirst, second, third,... next, then, finally Timeafter, afterward, at last, before, currently, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile, now, recently, simultaneously, subsequently, then Examplefor example, for instance, namely, specifically, to illustrate Emphasiseven, indeed, in fact, of course, truly Place/Positionabove, adjacent, below, beyond, here, in front, in back, nearby, there Cause and effectaccordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus Additional Support or Evidenceadditionally, again, also, and, as well, besides, equally important, further, furthermore, in addition, moreover, then Conclusion/Summaryfinally, in a word, in brief, briefly, in conclusion, in the end, in the final analysis, on the whole, thus, to conclude, to summarize, in sum, to sum up, in summary 26
Other Approaches Repeating key words or phrases Using parallel structure (express content in grammatically similar ways) Summarizing/rephrasing idea in preceding sentence or paragraph to link to new idea 27
What Transitions Would You Use and Where? One of Mary Washington University’s best features is its small student population. The average class size is students. Students have many opportunities to meet in one-on-one conferences with their professors. This gives each student the opportunity to discuss class assignments. 28
Revised Paragraph One of Mary Washington University’s best features is its small student population, which encourages more interaction between students and faculty and improves learning. With an average class size of students, teachers can get to know every student in a class. Students who cannot hide in the back row of a giant auditorium need to prepare for class in case they are called upon to answer a question. Furthermore, the learning does not end in the classroom since faculty offices are easily accessible, giving students many opportunities to meet in one-on-one conferences with their professors. This gives each student the chance to discuss class assignments and questions about the course. 29
References Brooke, B. (2009). Effective paragraphs. Bob Brooke’s Writer’s Corner. Retrieved from Clements, K. (2010). Essay development. In The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing, eds. D. Martinez, S. Carlson, & K. VanDam, p New York: Kaplan Publishing. Jensen, M. (2010). The writing process. In The Kaplan Guide to Successful Writing, eds. D. Martinez, S. Carlson, & K. VanDam, p New York: Kaplan Publishing. Stokes, D. (2008, April 20). 6 tips to overcoming and cure for writer’s block [Video file]. Retrieved from Transitions. (2007). The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved from