The Way to Victory Section 5 Chapter 16
Southern Victories Winter if Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia seemed unbeatable Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville –Dec, Union General Burnside loses to Lee’s entrenched army Burnside resigns from command and is replaced by Union General Joseph Hooker Lee strikes at Chancellorsville, Va---wins but costly victory. Confederate Stonewall Jackson losses his arm and a week later dies.
The Tide of War Turns The Battle of Gettysburg –Lincoln replaces Hooker with General Meade –Meade’s mission is to find and fight Lee and to protect Washington and Baltimore –The two armies meet by accident on July 1 st 1863 near the small town of Gettysburg Pa. –3-day battle begins with Union Calvary attack –Last attack led by General George Pickett is remembered as Pickett’s Charge. Half die –Lee Loses the battle
The Tide of War Turns Victory at Vicksburg –At the same time a great battle was taking place in Vicksburg, Miss. –Union forces led by Grant laid siege to the town. –On July 4, 1863 Vicksburg surrendered –Union controls the entire Mississippi River –Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas were sealed off from the Confederacy –Gettysburg and Vicksburg are turning points in the war.
The Tide of War Turns Lincoln at Gettysburg –Nov. 19, 1863 –Scholar Edward Everett spoke for 2 hours –Lincoln speaks for 2 minutes –Becomes down at the Gettysburg Address –One of the most important speeches in American History –Helped war-weary Americans look beyond the images of the battlefield and focus on their shared ideals.
Final Phases of the War Nov Grant and General William Tecumseh Sherman win an important victory at Chattanooga, Tenn. Lincoln names Grant commander of all Union forces Grant devises a plan to attack confederates on all fronts Army of Potomac would try to crush Lee’s army in Virginia Western army under Sherman would advance towards Atlanta—attack the Deep South
Final Phases of the War Grant puts his plan into action Grant attacks Lee’s army at the Battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse, and Cold Harbor—all near Richmond Va. Grant always quickly resumes his attack Critics call Grant a butcher—Lincoln supports Grant Grant turns his attention to Petersburg Va.—an important railroad center connecting Richmond to the rest of the South
The Election of 1864 Lincolns chance for reelection didn’t look good Democrats want to end the war and make peace with the South Union Gen David Farragut led a Union fleet into Mobile Bay. Union now controlled Gulf of Mexico Union Gen. Sherman captures Atlanta Union Gen Sheridan drove Rebels out of Shenandoah Valley Va. Lincoln easily wins reelection
Total War Sherman begins historic “March to the Sea” to Savannah, Georgia Destroyed anything useful to the South Sherman’s army lived off the land—left their supply line This method of war becomes known as Total War After capturing Savannah, Sherman moves north up to South Carolina
Before Sherman’s March on Atlanta
After Sherman visits Atlanta
Victory for the North March 4, 1865 Lincoln gives 2 nd Inaugural Address—”With Malice Towards None, with Charity for All” Lee’s army suffers sickness, hunger, casualties while defending Petersburg April 2, 1865 Lee withdrew his troops Richmond falls—Lincoln visits on April 4th
Surrender at Appomattox April 9, 1865 Lee and his troops surrender to Grant at a small Virginia village called Appomattox Court House Grant gives generous terms—lay down your arms and return to your homes They could keep their horses Gives Lee 3 days worth of food for his troops Jefferson Davis captured on May 10
Results of the War 600,000 soldiers died Cost billions of dollars in damage Caused bitter feelings for years to come Federal government was strengthened War freed millions of African Americans
Robert E. Lee’s opponent at Fredericksburg (last name) Burnside
To be set up in a strong position war B.entrenched C.trench D.Open war [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
Site of Pickett’s Charge A.Fredericksburg B.Antietam C.Gettysburg D.Richmond [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]