Welcome to Back-to-School Night Mrs. Daly’s Fourth Grade Class Room 23
All About Mrs. Daly!
Overview of our Fourth Grade Curriculum : Science
Homework! Yellow Homework Folder, Planner (sign it), Reading Log. Should he/she study math facts? Is there an upcoming quiz or test? Dreambox math? Reflex math?
Classroom Rules and Discipline Plan Class DOJO Electronic Point System Parent can monitor daily behavior from home!
Grading System Papers graded: 4, 3, 2, 1, Clarity, Interims, Report Cards, Monday Folders
Call the school’s absentee/tardy line Let me know in advance if possible Early Dismissals- please let me know in the morning**** (I don’t usually get to check my after lunch) Make-up work
Conferences- Last 2 weeks of October. Sign up tonight if possible!!!!
Word Study Tests Monday Folders Room Mothers Typing our Class Directory Math Helpers Teacher Helper Office needs: Book Room Volunteers and Copy Room Volunteers
Fill out all blue forms and return them to the green basket tonight or tomorrow at Open House, along with the checks for publications. More forms will come home on Monday in the First Day Packet!