Tuesday, March 08, 20161School Managers briefing Student as Change Agents Aim To facilitate student and staff collaboration on teaching and learning projects to bring about student-focussed change
Tuesday, March 08, 2016School Managers briefing Student as Change Agents Autumn 2014 launch Developed with Students’ Union Students can propose ideas for change Schools can “commission” partnership projects Nottingham Advantage Award for skills recognition and training (optional)
Tuesday, March 08, 2016School Managers briefing Projects Teaching and learning enhancement eg co-design of curriculum, assessment, resources School-based, time-bound, “SMART” targets Undergraduate and postgraduates; groups and individuals
Tuesday, March 08, 2016School Managers briefing Pilots: November 2014 SchoolProject BiochemistryShaping the Future of Biochemistry: Year 2 curriculum development BiosciencesDeveloping programme-level assessment within a newly designed curriculum EconomicsExploring the benefits and practicalities of Lecture Capture UNNCSetting up accredited work placement in the Language Centre
Tuesday, March 08, 2016School Managers briefing Process Consult School Director of Teaching Discuss with Students as Change Agents team Submit proposal forms to SACA Recruit students (for school commissions) TTP panel approval Ongoing SACA support and training eg project management Submit Project Brief to SACA Project execution; opportunities for showcasing
Tuesday, March 08, 2016 School Managers briefing Further information: Carina Neil Student Engagement Coordinator