Chapter 4-2 “Resumes”
Typically a one-page description of a job- seekers work history and qualifications for employment Some circumstances require a resume to be more than one page It is used to show the an employer how your qualifications match a job’s responsibilities Well constructed = better chance of landing job
Personal information ◦ Top of the page ◦ Your name ◦ Home address ◦ address ◦ Contact phone number Career Objectives ◦ Short statement of your career objective ◦ Be specific ◦ Optional but recommended ◦ Example: To obtain training and acquire experience in retail sales
Educational Background ◦ Current education ◦ Academic honors/awards can be listed here ◦ Specific technical certificates ◦ Any certifications Work Experience ◦ Begin with present or most recent job and work your way back ◦ Need employers name and address ◦ Hiring/firing/leaving dates ◦ Duties of your position ◦ Volunteer experience can be listed here or separately
References ◦ Typically 3 references are needed ◦ 2 Professional and 1personal is the norm ◦ Present and previous employers/supervisors are best ◦ Administrators/Teachers/Counselors ◦ Coaches ◦ Clergy (religious figures) Use a separate page
Chronological ◦ Organizes your experience around jobs ◦ Excellent for steady work histories ◦ The focus is about your work experience Functional ◦ Organizes your experience around skills rather than jobs ◦ Do not use if you change jobs a lot ◦ Better used by students who have some work history but not directly related to the job
Pass the 30-second test! Resume must be attractive, easy to read and error free Can use templates or your own format Proofread! Mailed resumes must be printed on quality resume paper Electronic resumes should be put into a PDF format ◦ Looks and prints the same across a variety of platforms