Graduate Outcomes Survey Longitudinal Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching
Overview 1.Overview of the Graduate Outcomes Survey - Longitudinal 2.The Graduate Outcomes Questionnaire - L 3.GOS-L data collection & data sharing 4.Troubleshooting GOS-L2
Overview In a nutshell, the GOS-L: Contacts graduates three years after the completion of their qualification Uses the relevant AGS as the sample frame Offers the option for the institutions to refresh contact information (where possible), add questions or use telephone non-response follow-up Is based on the Graduate Outcomes Questionnaire, with a labour market focus Uses the same approach and data collection platform as the GOS GOS-L3
Context for the GOS-L The purpose of the GOS-L is to understand medium term labour force outcomes of recent graduates, particularly those who were not yet employed four months after graduation. The Beyond Graduation Survey has been discontinued. Participation in the GOS-L is open to all higher education institutions that participated in the AGS in the relevant year. GOS-L4
Sampling The population frame consists of graduates who participated in the AGS three years prior to GOS-L. Only includes those who consented to be recontacted. Institutional participation for 2016 is ‘opt-in’ but only two providers (from 54) have declined to take part. GOS-L5
Institutional support for the GOS-L Aside from refreshing the contact information for 2013 AGS respondents (who consented to recontact), there is really ‘nothing to do’. A complete ‘survey promotion pack’ has not been created for the GOS-L due to the extremely targeted nature of the sample. Any efforts to support the GOS-L are voluntary and optional – please let us know if you are doing anything extra (we’re always interested!). GOS-L6
Institutional support for the GOS-L (2) Institutions are welcome to: Create an online presence for the survey Promote the survey through ‘official’ and alumni channels Use social media to raise awareness. Monitor response rates GOS-L7
GOQ-L Has a modular structure, based on the GOQ: Graduate confirmation Labour Force (current) Employment History (between 2013 AGS and current) Further Study Graduate Attributes Graduate Preparation (Additional items) Contact details GOS-L8
The Graduate Outcomes Questionnaire Covers key topic areas including: Graduate labour force and further study outcomes Employment history after graduation The extent to which graduates believe their skills or education match their current position The extent to which graduates believe they were prepared for future employment Items are identical to the GOQ, with the exception of the employment history module. GOS-L9
GOQ-L cognitive testing Cognitive testing was undertaken with graduates: From bachelor and postgrad courses Across a range of institutions A number of age groups and A variety of field of education. A combination of testing face-to-face and in-mode (i.e. reviewing screenshots of the online survey) was completed. A number of improvements were made to the layout and explanatory text. GOS-L10
GOQ-L instrument The QILT resources page contains: A copy of the instrument and A summary of the items (minus all of our exciting programmer instructions) GOS-L11
GOQ-L data collection Very familiar territory… Same platform and monitoring interface as the SES & the GOS Similar reminder schedule Almost identical approach to incentivisation Reminder letters sent to non-responders (we are being a bit more formal with the graduates for this survey) GOS-L12
Response targets Currently no plans to publish institution level information on the QILT website so we have not estimated required yield for study areas. There are no targets or quotas – we are aiming to do our best given the age and quality of the contact information. All groups will be followed-up with equal vigour. Tailored messages may be sent to those in study areas that are lagging. GOS-L13
Reminders One invite & 7 reminders Staggered sends GOS-L14
Reminders (2) Hardcopy letters are being sent instead of postcards (we want the GOS-L to be regarded as more ‘formal’). Letters will be sent to all non-responding graduates between February 5 and February 8. They are expected to arrive between February 10 and February 16 depending upon address of graduates and Australia Post delivery times. GOS-L15
Prize draws Each weekly prize pool will be made up of one $1,000, two $500, and five $100 prepaid VISA gift cards. GOS-L16
In field monitoring Real time status reporting is available for the GOS-L. The reporting link will include: A summary of progress against study area and gender A raw data CSV download option A capacity to monitor completion status Your SES/GOS logins will work… GOS-L17
GOS-L data GOS-L has a standard suite of QILT deliverables: Institutional data National data (where an institution has signed up to a data sharing agreement) Institutional report (dashboard) National report, and A text analytics tool. We are planning to include 2013 AGS data in the file – please let us know if there is anything you think should / should not be there. GOS-L18
Trouble shooting Forward to – Graduates’ concerns raised with you Survey functionality queries Please do not pass this along to the graduate, they can make contact at Any worries or issues – feel free to share as soon as they arise. GOS-L19
To summarise… We are available for all types of queries Reminders and prize draws are in good hands Institutions are well placed to engage graduates with the national marketing materials with consistent branding Please contact us to discuss supplementary marketing strategies Institutions can monitor and disseminate internal outcomes during fieldwork using the reporting module In-field queries or concerns from students to be directed to GOS-L20
Finally… The GOS-L 2015: Collection Guide is available on the QILT resources page (if you have misplaced it). Questions? GOS-L21