Civil War Thematic Lesson
Lesson Overview Civil War Part 1 Students will be given a pre-assessment to find out what is their prior knowledge of the Civil War. Students will be exposed to images of the Civil War and asked to discuss these images and what they mean. Students will be given the option for their culminating project of either an individualized field trip or a book report on the Civil War. Students will begin instruction at the beginning of the Civil War. Civil War Part 2 Students will learn about the Civil War from the perspective of the North. Those students with more prior knowledge of the Civil War will be put in groups with students with less knowledge and utilized as group leaders in the projects. Students will learn about the Civil War from the perspective of the South. Students will learn about key women and African Americans during the Civil War. Students will learn about how the war ends. Civil War Part 3 Students will watch part Ken Burns’ documentary on the Civil War. Students will work on analyzing artifacts from Arlington Cemetery. Students will work on analyzing political cartoons from the Civil War era. Student will be review Lincoln’s assassination and Reconstruction. Students will watch the images from the Civil War shown at the beginning of the unit and once again discuss the images and how their represent history.
Civil War Daily Lesson Plan
Subject: Social Studies Grade: Middle School Teacher: M. Meck Date (s): 0/00 # of days: 2 Theme: Civil War and the Constitution Standard(s): Standards Civil War – Sociology, History, Political Science, Geography, Psychology, Economics. Objective(s): Students will take notes on and demonstrate an understanding of key women and African Americans in the war. Students will demonstrate they know who Clara Barton is and their significance. Students will demonstrate they know who Frederick Douglas is and their significance. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the role African American troops during the civil war for both the North and the South. Pre-Assessment Activity (what the students already know): Q/A – What happened in April 1865? Anticipatory Set: (0 minutes) Q/A – What happened in April 1865 Instruction: (5 minutes) Anticipatory set and Pre-Assessment. (20 minutes) Have students read quotes from Clara Barton and discuss what type of person she is. Lecture on her life and contributions up to the Red Cross. (60 minutes) Have students read out loud Douglass’s 4th of July speech and discuss the type of person he is. Lecture on his significance to Lincoln, the Civil War and the abolitionist movement. Discuss/read the 14th, 15th and 16th Amendments, Douglass’s influence on creating those Amendments and the change in society because of those Amendments. Discuss the role that Douglass’s sons played in the war. (30 minutes) Play a clip from Glory. Discuss/lecture on the role of African American troops in The Civil War. Discuss the role they played in the North and the 24th Mass. Discuss the role the played in the south and the official “OK” to use “Colored Troops” by Davis in (5 minutes) Review notes with class. Check for understanding (How will you gain feedback as to whether students understand?): Review, homework. Independent Practice (What will students do on their own): Homework – Read biographical sketch of Douglass and reflect on his achievements. Have students write a pretend “17th” Amendment that would have been passed shortly after the 16th Amendment that might have made life better for African Americans in society. Text Activities (What activities from the textbook will you use): Chapter(s) on Civil War Materials (What materials or instructional resources will you use to deliver the lesson?): Book Article on Douglass Modifications/Accommodations: Extended time. Articles on reading level. Notes on presentation provided. Assessment (What activity will students do to demonstrate mastery of the skill?): Q/A Homework Culminating Project/Activity (What project will students ultimately complete that would allow them to apply the skills they have learned?): Choose 1 of the following: Individualized field trip or Book report. Due in 5 weeks. Test in 5 weeks. Civil War Daily Lesson Plan
Differentiated Instruction Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Visual/Spatial Viewing picture slide show. Viewing documentaries/films. Naturalist Culminating project, field trip. Walking around Arlington Cemetery, Civil War trails, etc. Bodily/Kinesthetic Culminating project, field trip. Walking around Arlington Cemetery, Civil War trails, etc. Musical Hearing music from the time period. Interpersonal Group work. Analyzing why the North and the South won certain battles. Intrapersonal Using intuition to analyze artifacts from Arlington Cemetery. Understanding and empathizing with actions of key players during the Civil War. Culminating project, book report Linguistic Reading text from the Civil War time period. Analyzing artifacts from Arlington Cemetery. Culminating project, book report Logical/Mathematical Analyzing the strategy used by the Generals of the North and South Analyzing artifacts from Arlington Cemetery Culminating project, book report
Differentiated Instruction Pre-Assessment to identify prior knowledge. Use of heterogeneous groups to complete some class work. Open-ended questions for students to answer individually allowing the instructor to assess based on readiness/ability. Culminating project equaling the same value as an exam letting students choose an area of interest. Cooperative Learning Virtual field trip of artifacts at Arlington Cemetery - Heterogeneous Flexible Groupings. Analyzing the successes and strategies of the North and their Generals - Heterogeneous Flexible Groupings. Analyzing the successes and strategies of the South and their Generals - Heterogeneous Flexible Groupings.
Individual Instruction Culminating Project Students will choose one of the following projects- Book Report - Students will pick an appropriate book on the civil war. They will read the book and turn in an appropriate book report based on ability. Individualized Field Trip - Students will pick an appropriate place with Civil War ties to visit. Students will then report back on their visit. Individual Assignments Students will be given reading assignments based on ability. Students will be asked to complete homework and class work based on individual ability. Appropriate accommodations and modifications will be made for the students.
Assessments Daily Assessments Exit tickets Question and Answers Daily Warm-ups Homework Assignments Culminating Assessments (Students must pick one) Book report on appropriate Civil War book. Individual Field trip (Student visits Civil War memorial and reports back on their visit) Summative Assessments Unit Test (Appropriate modifications/accommodations given)
Technology Video - Students will watch videos and movies about the Civil War, including, Glory. Slide Show - Students will watch a slide show of images from the Civil War era at the beginning and end of the unit. Computer - Students will be able to research Arlington Cemetary’s virtual artifacts from “Arlington House.” The students will be able to examine the artifacts on the computer and answer questions about the artifacts. Camera - Still or video camera is required for the field trip option. Students will take pictures of their experience on the trip.