GOVST, Toulouse, June 8-10, 2009 Mike Bell (Met Office, UK) Pierre-Yves le Traon (Ifremer, France) Kirsten Wilmer Becker (GODAE Project Office) Progress report on the GODAE Oceanography Special Issue
GOVST, Toulouse, June 8-10, 2009 Target content agreed: 11 full & 8 half papers All papers submitted close to deadline All subjected to at least one detailed review Coherency of all papers checked by editors 5 papers accepted after 1 st review 6 papers accepted after 2 nd review 5 papers revised after 2 nd review & accepted 3 papers with minor revisions pending Progress
GOVST, Toulouse, June 8-10, May -TOS starts review process. Checking consistency, readability, references 12 JuneFinal deadline for submission of papers 15 June -TOS reviews all manuscripts one more time before sending to designer for lay-out. Authors sent pdf proofs with copyright information 15 July Go to print. Publish in September What happens next
GOVST, Toulouse, June 8-10, 2009 There are 3 immediate issues to resolve: Identify the members of the group and elect a chair 2. Secure financial commitments to support the PO for the next 4 years (from space agencies & national groups) 3. Work out how the group will operate - Advocacy and support roles Mike Bell took actions to make progress on 1. and 2 with support from others (e.g. Steve Piotrowicz) Report on Issues from GODAE Patrons Group Meeting