NEWTON’S 3 RD LAW The Third Law of Motion
NEWTON’S 3 RD LAW For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!
ACTION/REACTION Action and reaction forces are equal, but act on different objects. Even though the forces are equal, they are not balanced because they act on different objects. You punch a punching bag and it moves. The action was the punch, the reaction is the bag moving. Even though these forces cancel out, because they act on different objects, movement is still created.
ROCKET PROPULSION This idea of the Newton’s 3 rd law is what gets us into space. On a rocket ship, the force of the engines must provide the rocket with the acceleration to escape the Earth’s gravitational pull.
MOMENTUM An object that is moving has ‘momentum,’ which is related to how much force would be needed to change its motion. Momentum = mass x velocity Momentum (kg m/s) Mass (kg) Velocity (m/s)
CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM Momentum cannot be ‘lost.’ This is what ‘conservation’ means. Momentum can be transferred from one object to another.
MOMENTUM When objects collide, the momentum of each object determines the overall effect of the collision. If two cars traveling at the same speed with equal masses collide, they will bounce back equally. If one car has more mass or is traveling at a faster velocity, it will strike the other car with more momentum and transfer some of its momentum to the other car, causing it to move more.