Alumoline Fuel-Cell Instrumentation Naman Chopra Suan-Aik Yeo Ronny Wijaya Darin Tanaka
Ethical Concerns Harsh temperature conditions Atom board rated for 0-60 C Purchase more rugged version of board Harsh physical conditions (bumpy terrain etc) External cable connections and internal PCB connections could become loose Make system a more “integrated” part of the golf cart to reduce number of cable connection points SD card system reliability System “guesses” that there is no SD card in slot when initialization fails. (No way to differentiate no SD card and bad SD card) Utilize card detect pin to tell if there is a card inserted
Ethical Concerns (cont’d) System fails to warn user of dangerous conditions User would not know to take reactionary measures Use mechanical fail-safes (e.g. pressure valve)
Environmental Issues Project is unnecessarily wasteful from a materials standpoint PCB is larger than it needs to be Could maybe even do without a PCB at all and just use Atom board Extra 36V lead acid battery needed due to change in research project plans Decisions made implementation simpler and made project suitable for ECE477 For mass-manufacture, just use Atom board with SD card reader with a tiny PCB Tiny PCB will just contain 12-5V regulator and some ATD chips
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