The Term Bollywood The term Bollywood was created by combining two names, Bombay (the city now called Mumbai) and Hollywood. Bollywood based in Mumbai (Bombay), is India’s – and the world’s - largest film industry in terms of the number of films produced, and also the number of tickets sold each year. In fact, Bollywood has become so internationally ubiquitous that it now has it’s own entry in the Oxford English Dictionary! A True East-West Fusion! The highlight of Bollywood movies are elaborate dance sequences and original soundtracks. Over the years Bollywood movies have developed their own signature style of song and dance, which combines the rich texture of India’s many classical and folk dances, fused with elements of Jazz, Hip – Hop, Arabic and Latin Forms. An International Sensation! It is not unusual to see Western pop and pure classical dance numbers side by side in a Bollywood film. The international appeal of Bollywood dancing is something that has been in the making for many decades. Originally it was found only in places that had a significant consumption of Indian films. But today it is rising in popularity in the US, Canada and Europe. With the success of films such as the Oscar winning movie “Slumdog Millionaire”, Bollywood films and dance have taken the world by storm & has now come into the global spotlight. Much of this is due to the ever expanding Indian diaspora, but a significant proportion also comes from non-Indians who are fascinated by the exotic, larger than life qualities inherent in it. Be it their lavish sets, production value, or extravagant costumes, stars like Madonna, Shakira & Britney Spears have incorporated the Bollywood style of dance or music into their songs, videos and stage shows.
Basic Step & Touch Start feet together Step out to the right Touch ball of left foot on floor next to right Step out to left Touch ball of right foot on floor next to left Progression Jump the step out to the side
1,2,3, Step 3 counts Flat of right foot Toes of left foot Flat of right Repeat on left side Progression Jump/Hop foot flat foot (Give it more bounce)
Limp Step Put toes of right foot on the floor Press down on toes lifting left foot slightly off the floor Repeat on left foot Progressions 1)Add a hip movement – raise hip up and down as you push on foot 2)Do the step at double speed
Around the World Right foot on the floor Place ball of left foot on floor and push off it 4 times so that you turn your body around in a full circle Repeat on left foot Progression Touch 2 with left foot and then 2 with right foot so that you are turning from side to side
Basic Turn Start feet together Take right foot and cross it over in front of left foot Place ball of foot on the floor Simply unwind in a spin (This is all one action) Progression Can you add an appropriate arm movement?
Arm Movements Shrugging Shoulders Shrug your shoulders up and down Progressions 1)Gradually lift/raise arms up above shoulders 2) Can you do any of this at double speed? Turn the Lightbulbs As your arms are raised in the air, fingers pointed up to the sky, Twist your wrists inwards and outwards Come Here from the Hindi word “ADJA” Turn palms of hands toward sky (1 hand slightly in front of the other) and beckon someone to come towards you Rolling Arms Roll your arms around each other as they go from hip to shoulder height
Suggested Dance Routine 1.Hands on hips and rock for 4 and switch 2.1,2,3 step backwards with come to me arms 3.Forward for 4 shimmy shoulders 4.Repeat 2 & 3 5.Around the world leading with right foot 6.Repeat 5 with the left foot 7.Limp step with arm rolls upwards 8.Basic turn with arms up in V shape 9.(beats 1 &2) Basic step to right with right arm up and hold 10.(beats 3&4) Basic step to left with left arm up and hold 11.(beats 5,6,7&8) Hands either side of head and shimmy from side to side What’s next ? You decide!!!