Monday, February 1, 2016 You will need a piece of paper, writing utensil, dictionary/thesaurus, rubric, dry erase marker, and a good attitude.
5 minutes to write on… Your cousin is moving to your town. Write a letter explaining the best thing about your town.
Today’s objectives Today we will continue exploring and understanding the STAAR Expository Rubric. Today we will rate an essay on our own and then improve it to the next score point. Today we will review the types of sentences we have seen so far in preparation for compound-complex sentences.
Please look at the O essay First you will read it quietly out loud. Estimate word count. Then you will rate each criteria. Your job is to be impartial. Not trying to fail people or give fake confidence. Can’t rate others? Can’t rate yourself. Please use small dots so you can change it later! Big boxes don’t erase.
Ideas and content 4=Amazing 3=Enjoyable 2=Clear but boring 1=Off topic, short, or repeats 0=Off topic
Organization 4=paragraphs, clever transitions 3=paragraphs, meaningful transitions 2=paragraphs, basic transitions 1=paragraphs absent or don’t work, no transitions 0=Too short
Voice 4=PERSONALITY 3=some personality 2=dry 1=offensive or no voice 0=Too little to care
Sentence Fluency 4=Advanced sentences with correct punctuation 3=Some advanced sentences 2=Few advanced sentences or many with errors 1=Sugar cookies and/or many errors 0=Errors make it hard to understand sentences
Word choice 4=Many upper level vocabulary, adjectives out of order, figurative language, sensory details 3= Some upper level vocabulary, adjectives out of order, figurative language, sensory details 2=Basic vocabulary choice 1=Baby words, redundant 0=Too little to rate
Conventions 4=Flawless 3=Few minor grammar errors, errors from risk 2=Some errors or too easy for errors 1=Many errors, hard to follow 0=Impossible to understand