Three Major Religions of the Middle East
How many gods? Name of gods? Judaism: Monotheistic. God is Adonai. Christianity: Monotheistic. God is God/Yaweh Islam- Monotheistic. God is Allah
Origins & Founder of Religion All three trace origins back to Abraham and Abraham’s covenant with God. Jews: Believe themselves to be God’s chosen people, Hebrews, and direct descendants of Abraham. Christianity: Jesus Christ was a Jew. Followers broke from Judaism and began to follow teachings of Jesus Christ. Islam: Believe Jews descend from Isaac and Muslims from Ishmael, both sons of Abraham. Muhammad is the final, true prophet of God.
Sacred Text Judaism: Torah Christianity: Bible Islam: Koran (Qur’ an)
Law Code Judaism:Halakhah -Rules and practice that effect every aspect of life (613). Christianity: Ten Commandments -List of religious and moral laws. Islam: Five Pillars - The five basic beliefs: Belief, Worship, Fasting, Charity, and Pilgrimage.
Belief on Jesus Christ Judaism: Falsely claimed to be the Messiah, or son of God. Christianity: The son of God, both human and divine. Islam: Prophet of God, but not divine.
Prophets All believe in the prophets, but place more importance on one as opposed to others.
After Life Judaism: Believes life does not end here on Earth, but leaves room for personal opinion on what the after life is. Christianity: Believe in an eternal salvation in either heaven or hell. Islam: Believe in afterlife in either Paradise or Hell. Those who die fighting in the name of God go immediately to Paradise, those who are enemies of Islam go directly to hell.
Holy Days Judaism: -Shabbat: Friday evening to Saturday evening. -Yom Kippur: Fast & atone for bad deeds. -Hanukkah: Eight day Jewish festival. Christianity: -Sabbath: Sunday. -Christmas: Birth of Christ -Easter: Resurrection of Christ. Islam: - “Sabbath”: Friday Noon Prayers. -Ramadan: Holy month. Fast from dawn to sunset.
Holy City Judaism: Jerusalem Christianity: Jerusalem Islam: 1. Mecca 2. Jerusalem
Place of Worship Judaism: Synagogue Christianity: Church Islam: Mosque
Followers currently Islam- 1.3 billion –2 nd largest Judaism- 14 million –12 th largest Christianity- 2 billion –Largest