Web Evaluation Examples Library 10 –Information Competency
Library 10 Evaluation Question Critically evaluate this web page for academic research on the topic mandatory vaccinations in the United states: vaccination-debate-pros-and-cons-vaccinations 1.Explain why you consider this Web page either appropriate or not appropriate for your research based on "authority." 2.Explain why you consider this Web page either appropriate or not appropriate for your research based on "accuracy.“ 3.Based on your evaluation and overall assessment of the site, is this Web page appropriate to use for academic research on the assigned topic: Yes or No? Please explain your answer.
Justmommies (justmommies.com)
Example Library 10 evaluation answers 1. Authority?: The publisher of this site does not have authority. I could not find any information about who is actually responsible for the content on this website. There is not an “About Us” link or anything like it anywhere on this page or the home page. I clicked on all the links on the page and the only information I found was that this site hosts a message board for moms. 2. Accuracy?: This page does not have accuracy. It does not include citations and the author is not identified. The author is listed as justmommies, but I could not find any information on who justmommies is. 3. Would you use it? No. Even though the content looks useful, it does not have authority or accuracy. Its purpose seems to be as a place for moms to have discussions.
American Academy of Pediatrics (aap.org)
Example Library 10 evaluation answers 1. Authority?: The publisher of this site has authority. It is the American Academy of Pediatrics. I clicked on the “About” link found this information: The AAP issues policy statements, clinical reports, technical reports and practice guidelines on a broad range of topics and collaborates with two other organizations to produce the annual recommended immunization schedules for children and adolescents used by schools, public health agencies and pediatricians. 2. Accuracy?: This cite has accuracy. I clicked on the FAQ link at the top of the page and found out that this Website was assessed by the World Health Organization and passed their "credibility and content good information practices criteria." It is included in their list of vaccine safety Websites. I am familiar with the World Health Organization and know that it is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. 3. Would you use it? Yes. This page had both accuracy and accuracy, and is about my topic. It is about the MMR vaccination and autism. It is current and provides an overview of the topic. Since this is the vaccine that is most controversial it is relevant to my research topic.
Center for Disease Control (cdc.gov)
Example Library 10 evaluation answers 1. Authority?: The publisher of this Website has authority. This is the Website of the Center for Disease Control and Protection. They are a US Government Agency. I read the About CDC information and they are one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services. 2. Accuracy?: This page has accuracy because of the expertise of the staff of this agency. According to the About page, they are all doctors and scientists and agency conducts critical science. 3. Would you use it? Yes. I would use this page as an academic source. It was last updated on Feb 3, 2015, which is less than a month ago, so it is current. This page provides the basic information on the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine and includes an overview of safety issues which is relevant to my topic since the opponents of mandatory vaccines cite safety as one of the main issues.
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