Welcome to Back 2015 - 2016. Mrs.C /Liliana Caraba Math and Science Teacher Experience 2006 Chopin Elementary (grades 6 to 8) 1996-2002 Bucharest/Romania.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Back

Mrs.C /Liliana Caraba Math and Science Teacher Experience 2006 Chopin Elementary (grades 6 to 8) Bucharest/Romania High School (biology freshmen)

Places I lived Romania – Bucharest Chicago-Il

Where do I go to School University of Bucharest Romania University of Illinois Chicago University of Chicago

My Family My Daughter 18 years old Second year at Loyola University. She graduated Chopin school! My Husband Mr. C Caraba- Teacher 8 th grade Chopin Aisha My dog

Student Expectations Prepared & ready to learn Homework completed Work independently Work in cooperative groups Positive & Respectful

Classroom Guidelines Bring ALL thinks to class and take them with you when you leave. Follow directions the first time they are given. Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity.

Teacher will use clapping to bring students attention back after working in groups. Also teacher will use the words whole class discussion No talking is accepting after using this signals. How teacher get your attention

Entering the room Please enter quietly Have a seat Take out your materials Review the agenda Begin do it now assignment

Getting your attention I will: Raise my hand Wait for everyone to be quiet Begin speaking

Turning in papers Place your paper on the desk next to you. –Right side If/When you receive a paper, place yours on top and continue passing the stack to your right I will come by and collect all stacks

Moving around the room You must ask permission Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency

Class Dismissal At teacher signal please start to collect all your materials. Clean up on,inside and next to your desk Return your binders, IPods, and any class materials Wait quietly at your desk At teacher signal line up in class Wait for the teacher to exit the room

Not Following Guidelines 1 st –Warning and documentation 2 nd –Action Plan, Parental Contact, and 20 minute recess time 3 rd –Disciplinary Referral

Homework Policy 30 minutes math practice Study notes daily Homework is posted to my website

Class website

Have a great evening! Please give the letter to your parents Bring back the materials from the supply list Monday, September 14 th, 2015 Thank you!