Welcome Intro to Mr. B None….yet
Mr. Brownlee Lab Science 9
Name Birthday (Month/Day/Year) Front of 3 X 5 Card
Seating Chart Sit where you wish Behave and you will stay EVERYONEMisbehave and EVERYONE will move Choose Wisely
Classroom Expectations Scientific Method – NASA Exercise Agenda Review What is Science? Signed Syllabus (Friday 9/11)
Possible Answer Science is a way to solve problems and answer questions.
To learn what science is and become more familiar with Lab Science 9 and Mr. Brownlee’s classroom expectations.
NASA: Survival on the Moon Carefully read the directions to the activity ON THE BACK OF THE PAPER, write a question that you are trying to answer in this activity. EX: What materials/equipment will best help a space crew travel 200 miles on the moon to rendezvous with their mother ship?
NASA: Survival on the Moon Complete the “Your Ranking” section only On Back of paper, write a 1 sentence hypothesis that explains which item you chose as # 1(most important). REMEMBER: If….then…because
Lab safety Survival on the Moon Agenda Review List 5 rules or directives that are important to follow if you want to remain safe during a lab. Bring Signed Syllabus and Lab Safety Contract Friday, 9/
To understand the safety issues in a science classroom and to learn how to prevent injury of self or others.
Lab Safety Read through all safety rules aloud with your seatmate (you may skip # 13 and # 15). Alternate every other rule. I will know when you are done because you will be quiet and waiting for instructions.
NASA: Survival on the Moon Find your group Agree on a Group order of Most important to Least important items and number Compare Group order to NASA order and determine Error Points for each item Add up all Error Points
Scientific Method Review Lab Safety Quiz Pick up the Scientific Method notes (Purple Paper) from the front counter. Complete as much as you can on your own…use pencil. Lab Safety Contract
To list and explain the steps of the Scientific Method To understand the safety issues in a science classroom and to learn how to prevent injury of self or others.
Scientific Method Overview What is the scientific method? It is a process that is used to find answers to questions about the world around us.
Scientific Method Overview Is there only one “scientific method”? No, there are several versions of the scientific method. Some versions have more steps, while others may have only a few.
Scientific Method Overview However, they all begin with the identification of a problem or a question to be answered based on observations of the world around us and provide an organized method for conducting and analyzing an experiment.
Scientific Method Overview What is a hypothesis? It is an educated guess based on observations and your knowledge of the topic. What is data? It is information gathered during an experiment.
NASA: Survival on the Moon Error Point Analysis –0-20 = Survive –21-30 = Likely to Survive/mild harm –31-45 = Not Likely to Survive/severe harm –46+ = Did Not Survive
NASA: Survival on the Moon On Back of Paper, write a 4 sentence Conclusion that includes the following: –Restate the Problem –Restate your original Hypothesis –Discuss how close your original hypothesis was to the actual answer (Use error pts in your writing)
Scientific Method Overview Identify the Problem What do you want to know or explain? Use observations you have made to write a question that addresses the problem or topic you want to investigate.. Form a Hypothesis What do you think will happen? Predict the answer to your question or the outcome of the experiment.
Scientific Method Overview Create an Experiment How will you test your hypothesis? Develop a procedure for a reliable experiment and address safety rules. Conduct an Experiment Follow the steps in your procedure to perform your experiment. Record data and observations!
Scientific Method Overview Analyze the Data Is the data reliable? Does your data and observations from the experiment support your hypothesis? Communicate the Results (Conclusion) Write a conclusion that summarizes the important parts of your experiment and the results.
Hobbies Back of 3 X 5 Card
Graphing Pre-Test Metric System Overview List any prefixes to the metric system that you already know. Ex: CENTI meter Metric Mania
Possible Answer Centi Milli Kilo Deka Deci Hecto
To understand how the metric system works and correctly complete metric conversions
1) 18 m =___________ cm 2) 167 cm =__________m 3) 500 kg = __________g 4) 1,589 dL =__________L 5) 700 mL =__________kL Make the following conversions using the Ladder Method