GAINING SUPPORT FOR SFL FROM CHIEF EXECUTIVES & SENIOR MANAGERS Caroline Bull Chief Executive Oxford City Council LDA 27 November 2006
BACKGROUND TO OCC District Council CPA ‘weak – but improving’ 1400 employees Most services run in-house GO Award in March 2006
KEY BUSINESS DRIVER Improvement The Council is looking to improve as part of the CPA process Raising skills through the organisation is vital to corporate improvement Leadership and skills for life
CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS Partnership with Unions and County NewU – the learning centre Union Learning Reps Skills for life is at the heart of learning and development National tests!
REASONS GIVEN FOR TAKING UP TRAINING To improve promotional prospects More confidence communicating To improve my understanding of paperwork If I could spell better my colleagues could understand me
GAINING SUPPORT FOR SFL FROM CHIEF EXECUTIVES & SENIOR MANAGERS Caroline Bull Chief Executive Oxford City Council LDA 27 November 2006