R IGA C ITY C OUNCIL Tanel Klee Alex Romandi Hendrik Marks Siim Koor Alar Kraavik
L OCATION In the Riga Town Hall at the Town Hall Square In the very heart of Riga
H ISTORY Mentioned in documents already in 1210 Signing treaties in Riga in 1225
P OLITICS There are 60 councillors who are elected every 4 years. The work is organized by the Chairman.
M AYORS OF R IGA 35 mayors Nils Ušakovs (National Harmony Party) Gustavs Zemgals(Latvian Radical-Democratic Party)
F ACTS In the end of year 2003 there were only 4 EU projects ( now 23) Total budget for the EU projects is about 78 million euros